-We have addressed the problem of the coverage and of the lifetime optimization in wireless sensor networks. This is a key issue as sensor nodes have limited resources in terms of memory, energy, and computational power. To cope with this problem, the field of sensing is divided into smaller subregions using the concept of divide-and-conquer method, and then we propose a protocol which optimizes coverage and lifetime performances in each subregion. Our protocol,
-called MuDiLCO (Multiround Distributed Lifetime Coverage Optimization) combines two efficient techniques: network leader election and sensor activity scheduling. The activity scheduling in each subregion works in periods, where each period consists of four phases: (i) Information exchange, (ii) Leader election, (iii) Decision phase to plan the activity of the sensors over $T$ rounds, (iv) Sensing phase itself divided into T rounds.
+%We have addressed the problem of the coverage and of the lifetime optimization in wireless sensor networks. This is a key issue as sensor nodes have limited resources in terms of memory, energy, and computational power. To cope with this problem, the field of sensing is divided into smaller subregions using the concept of divide-and-conquer method, and then we propose a protocol which optimizes coverage and lifetime performances in each subregion.
+In this chapter, we have presented a protocol, called MuDiLCO (Multiround Distributed Lifetime Coverage Optimization) that combines two efficient techniques: network leader election and sensor activity scheduling. The activity scheduling in each subregion works in periods, where each period consists of four phases: (i) Information exchange, (ii) Leader election, (iii) Decision phase to plan the activity of the sensors over $T$ rounds, (iv) Sensing phase itself divided into T rounds.