%\indent The fast development in WSNs has been led to study their different characteristics extensively. However, the WSN is concentrated on various applications.
-In this section, we describe different academic and commercial applications. A WSN can use various types of sensors such as \cite{ref17,ref19}: thermal, seismic, magnetic, visual, infrared, acoustic, and radar. These sensors are capable of observing a different physical conditions such as: temperature, humidity, pressure, speed, direction, movement, light, soil makeup, noise levels, presence or absence of certain kinds of objects, and mechanical stress levels on attached objects. Consequently, a wide range of WSN applications can be classified into five classes~\cite{ref22}, as shown in Figure~\ref{WSNAP}.
+In this section, we describe different academic and commercial applications. A WSN can use various types of sensors such as \cite{ref17,ref19}: thermal, seismic, magnetic, visual, infrared, acoustic, and radar. These sensors are capable of observing different physical conditions such as: temperature, humidity, pressure, speed, direction, movement, light, soil makeup, noise levels, presence or absence of certain kinds of objects, and mechanical stress levels on attached objects. Consequently, a wide range of WSN applications can be classified into five classes~\cite{ref22}, as shown in Figure~\ref{WSNAP}.