-\item \textbf{Sensing Unit:} consists of two main parts: sensors and analog to digital converters (ADCs). It is responsible of sensing the physical phenomena and produce the analog signals to the ADC so as to convert it to digital data, and sends it to the computation unit.
-\item \textbf{Computation Unit:} The main purpose of this unit is to manage and manipulate the instructions that related to sensing, communication, and self-organization, which make the sensor node cooperates with other sensor nodes in order to perform the allocated sensing tasks. It is composed of a processor chip, an active short-term memory for storing the sensed data, an internal flash memory for storing program instructions, and an internal timer.
-\item \textbf{Communication Unit:} It is responsible of all data transmission and reception of the sensor node that is performed by the transceiver circuitry. A transceiver circuit is composed of a mixer, frequency synthesizer, voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), phase-locked loop (PLL), demodulator, and power amplifiers, all of which consume valuable power~\cite{ref19}.
-\item \textbf{Power Unit:} This unit represents the most significant part in wireless sensor node. It supplies the other units by the needed power.
+\item \textbf{Sensing Unit:} consists of two main parts: sensors and analog to digital converters (ADCs). It is responsible for sensing the physical phenomena. The analog signal produced by the sensors is converted into digital data by ADC. The resulted digital data is sent to the computation unit for further processing.
+\item \textbf{Computation Unit:} The main purpose of this unit is to manage and manipulate the instructions that related to sensing, communication, and self-organization. This allows to the sensor node cooperates with other sensor nodes in order to perform the allocated sensing tasks. It is composed of a processor chip, an active short-term memory for storing the sensed data, an internal flash memory for storing program instructions, and an internal timer.
+\item \textbf{Communication Unit:} It is responsible for all data transmission and reception of the sensor node that are performed by the transceiver circuitry. A transceiver circuit is composed of a mixer, frequency synthesizer, voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), phase-locked loop (PLL), demodulator, and power amplifiers, all of which consume valuable power~\cite{ref19}.
+\item \textbf{Power Unit:} This unit represents the most significant part of wireless sensor node. It supplies the other units by the needed power.