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+ title={Wireless networking},
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+ author = {F. Pedraza and A. L. Medaglia and A. Garcia},
+ title = {Efficient coverage algorithms for wireless sensor networks},
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+ title={Handbook of sensor networks: algorithms and architectures},
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+ title={Coverage and Lifetime Optimization in Heterogeneous Energy Wireless Sensor Networks},
+ author={Idrees, Ali Kadhum and Deschinkel, Karine and Salomon, Michel and Couturier, Rapha{\"e}l},
+ booktitle={ICN 2014, The Thirteenth International Conference on Networks},
+ pages={49--54},
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+ title={Transforming Area Coverage to Target Coverage to Maintain Coverage and Connectivity for Wireless Sensor Networks},
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+ title={Algorithms for node clustering in wireless sensor networks: A survey},
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+ author = {Idrees, Ali Kadhum and Deschinkel, Karine and Salomon, Michel and Couturier, Rapha{\"e}l},
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+ title = {Distributed Lifetime Coverage Optimization Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks},
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+ title={Maximizing the functional lifetime of sensor networks},
+ author={Giridhar, Arvind and Kumar, PR},
+ booktitle={Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on Information processing in sensor networks},
+ pages={2},
+ year={2005},
+ organization={IEEE Press}
+ title={Using mobile relays to prolong the lifetime of wireless sensor networks},
+ author={Wang, Wei and Srinivasan, Vikram and Chua, Kee-Chaing},
+ booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking},
+ pages={270--283},
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+ title={Investigating a wireless sensor network optimal lifetime solution for linear topologies},
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+ title={Scheduling sleeping nodes in high density cluster-based sensor networks},
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+ title={A coverage-preserving node scheduling scheme for large wireless sensor networks},
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+ title={On sensor network lifetime and data distortion},
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+ title={On the lifetime analysis of always-on wireless sensor network applications},
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+ title={Design Guidelines for Maximizing Lifetime and Avoiding Energy Holes in Sensor Networks with Uniform Distribution and Uniform Reporting.},
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+ booktitle={INFOCOM},
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+ title={Lifetime analysis of reliable wireless sensor networks},
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+ title={Mostly-sleeping wireless sensor networks: connectivity,
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+ booktitle={In Proceedings of the the 43rd Annual Allerton Conference on
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+ pages={1--12},
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