+\section{Distributed Algorithms}
+%In distributed and localized coverage algorithms, the required computation to schedule the activity of sensor nodes will be done by the cooperation among neighboring nodes. These algorithms may require more computation power for the processing by the cooperating sensor nodes, but they are more scalable for large WSNs.
+Many distributed algorithms have been developed to perform the scheduling so as to preserve coverage, see for example \cite{ref123,ref124,ref125,ref126,ref109,ref127,ref128,ref97}. Localized and distributed algorithms generally result in non-disjoint set covers.
+X. Deng et al. \cite{ref133} formulate the area coverage problem as a decision problem, whose goal is to determine whether every point in the area of interest is monitored by at least k sensors. The authors prove that if the perimeters of sensors are sufficiently covered it will be the case for the whole area. They provide an algorithm in $O(nd~log~d)$ time to compute the perimeter coverage of each sensor, where $d$ denotes the maximum number of sensors that are neighboring to a sensor and $n$ is the total number of sensors in the network. Thier solutions can be translated to distributed protocols to solve the coverage problem.
+Distributed algorithms typically operate in rounds for a predetermined duration. At the beginning of each round, a sensor exchanges information with its neighbors and makes a decision to either remain turned on or to go to sleep for the round. This decision is basically made on simple greedy criteria like the largest uncovered area \cite{ref130} or maximum uncovered targets \cite{ref131}.
+Cho et al.~\cite{ref145} propose a distributed node scheduling protocol, which can retain sensing coverage needed by applications and increase network lifetime via putting in sleep mode some redundant nodes. In this work, the effective sensing area (ESA) concept of a sensor node is used, which refers to the sensing area that is not overlapping with another sensor's sensing area. A sensor node can determine whether it will be active or sleep by computing its ESA. The suggested work permits to sensor nodes to be in sleep mode opportunistically whilst fulfill the needed sensing coverage. The authors in~\cite{ref146}, define a maximum sensing coverage region problem (MSCR) in WSNs and then propose a distributed algorithm to solve it. The maximum observed area fully covered by a minimum active sensors. In this work, the major property is to get rid of the redundant sensors in high-density WSNs and putting them in sleep mode, and choosing a smaller number of active sensors so as to ensure the full area is k-covered, and all events appearing in that area can be precisely and timely detected. This algorithm minimizes the total energy consumption and increases the network lifetime. The Distributed Adaptive Sleep Scheduling Algorithm (DASSA) \cite{ref127} does not require location information of sensors while maintaining connectivity and satisfying a user-defined coverage target. In DASSA, nodes use the residual energy levels and feedback from the sink for scheduling the activity of their neighbors. This feedback mechanism reduces the randomness in scheduling that would otherwise occur due to the absence of location information.
+A graph theoretical framework for connectivity-based area coverage with configurable coverage granularity was proposed~\cite{ref149}. A new coverage criterion and scheduling approach is proposed based on cycle partition. This method is capable of build a sparse coverage set in distributed way by means of only connectivity information. This work considers only the communication range of the sensor is smaller two times the sensing range of sensor. Shibo et al.~\cite{ref137} have expressed the area coverage problem as a minimum weight submodular set cover problem and propose a Distributed Truncated Greedy Algorithm (DTGA) to solve it. They take advantage from both temporal and spatial correlations between data sensed by different sensors, and leverage prediction, to improve the lifetime. The authors in \cite{ref160}, design an energy-efficient approach to area coverage problems by transforming the area coverage problem to the target coverage problem taking into account the intersection points among disks of sensors nodes or between disk of sensor nodes and boundaries. They proposed two mechanisms for the converted target coverage problems to produce cover sets can cover the sensing
+field completely. Simulations results show that this approach can prolong the lifetime of the network compared with other works.
+The works presented in~\cite{ref134,ref135,ref136} focus on coverage-aware, distributed energy-efficient, and distributed clustering methods respectively, which aim at extending the network lifetime, while the coverage is ensured.