+\subsection{Radio Optimization}
+In wireless sensor node, the radio is the most energy-consuming unit for draining the battery power. Extensive researches have been focused on decreasing the power depletion due to wireless communication by means of optimizing the radio parameters such as: coding and modulation schemes; transmission Power and antenna
+direction; and cognitive radio and Cooperative communications schemes~\cite{ref22}.
+\subsection{Relay nodes and Sink Mobility}
+\begin{enumerate} [(I)]
+\item \textbf{Relay node placement:} in WSN, some wireless sensor nodes in a certain region may be died and this will leads to create a hole in the WSN. This problem can be solved by placing the wireless sensor nodes in sensing field using optimal distribution or by deploying a small number of relay wireless sensor nodes with a powerful capabilities whose major goal is the communication with other wireless sensor nodes or relay nodes~\cite{ref52}. This solution can enhance the power balancing and avoiding the overloaded wireless sensor nodes in a particular region in WSN.
+\item \textbf{Sink Mobility:} in WSNs that included a static sink, the wireless sensor nodes, which are near the sink drain their power more rapidly compared with other sensor nodes that leads to WSN disconnection and limited network lifetime~\cite{ref53}. This is happening due to sending all the data in WSN to the sink that maximizes the overload on the wireless sensor nodes close to sink. In order to overcome this problem and prolong the network lifetime; it is necessary to use a mobile sink to move within the area of WSN so as to collect the sensory data from the static sensor nodes over a single hop communication. The mobile sink avoids the multi-hop communication and conserves the energy at the static sensor nodes close the base station, extending the lifetime of WSN~\cite{ref54,ref55}.