-The GTSNetS (Georgia Tech Sensor Network Simulator)~\cite{ref209,ref210} is an open-source, C++, large scale, event-driven simulation tool to evaluate the applications, algorithms, and protocols. It is capable of evaluating the impact of various architectural choices and designs on the lifetime and performance of a particular sensor network. The GTSNetS is constructed on the top of the Georgia Tech Network Simulator (GTNetS), where it uses and expands all the design choices of the existing GTNetS simulator. The main feature of GTSNetS simulator is to support several thousand nodes.
-It is organized efficiently in a modular to support large-scale WSNs. It is designed to be easy to use by the users in order to simulate a certain sensor network. Several choices are provided by GTSNetS to users to select from different alternatives such as network protocols, energy models, applications, and tracing options. Furthermore, the existing models of the simulator can simply extended or replaced according to user need. The network lifetime can be tracked by GTSNetS and the energy consumption of each unit can be evaluated. Therefore, the users can study the impact of different architectural choices on lifetime and energy consumption. The mobility is inherited from GTNetS simulator. Therefore, it provides a specification of mobile sensor nodes, moving sensed objects, as well as a mobile base station.
-The GTSNetS provides graphical user interface and extensive packet tracing. The stopped updating and maintaining the project since Oct, 2008 represents the main disadvantage of this simulator.
+GTSNetS (Georgia Tech Sensor Network Simulator)~\cite{ref209,ref210} is an open-source, C++, large scale, event-driven simulation tool to evaluate the applications, algorithms, and protocols. It is capable of evaluating the impact of various architectural choices and designs on the lifetime and performance of a particular sensor network. GTSNetS is constructed on the top of the Georgia Tech Network Simulator (GTNetS), where it uses and expands all the design choices of the existing GTNetS simulator. The main feature of GTSNetS simulator is to support several thousand nodes.
+It is organized efficiently in a modular way to support large-scale WSNs and designed to be easy to use by the users. Several choices are provided by GTSNetS to users, offering various alternatives in network protocols, energy models, applications, and tracing options. Furthermore, the existing models can be simply extended or replaced according to user need. The network lifetime can be tracked by GTSNetS and the energy consumption of each unit can be evaluated. Therefore, the users can study the impact of different architectural choices on lifetime and energy consumption. The mobility is inherited from GTNetS simulator. Therefore, it provides a specification of mobile sensor nodes, moving sensed objects, as well as a mobile base station.
+GTSNetS provides graphical user interface and extensive packet tracing.
+%The stopped updating and maintaining the project since Oct, 2008 represents the main disadvantage of this simulator.
+The tool is no longer maintained since October 2008.