%\emph{Initialize the sensor node and determine it's position and subregion} \;
- \If{ $RE_j \geq E_{R}$ }{
+ \If{ $RE_j \geq E_{th}$ }{
\emph{$s_j.status$ = COMMUNICATION}\;
\emph{Send $INFO()$ packet to other nodes in the subregion}\;
\emph{Wait $INFO()$ packet from other nodes in the subregion}\;
- \sum_{t=1}^{T} X_{t,j} \leq \lfloor {RE_{j}/E_{R}} \rfloor \hspace{6 mm} \forall j \in J, t = 1,\dots,T
+ \sum_{t=1}^{T} X_{t,j} \leq \lfloor {RE_{j}/E_{th}} \rfloor \hspace{6 mm} \forall j \in J, t = 1,\dots,T
and undercoverage variables help balancing the restriction equations by taking
positive values. The constraint given by equation~(\ref{eq144}) guarantees that
the sensor has enough energy ($RE_j$ corresponds to its remaining energy) to be
-alive during the selected rounds knowing that $E_{R}$ is the amount of energy
+alive during the selected rounds knowing that $E_{th}$ is the amount of energy
required to be alive during one round.
There are two main objectives. First, we limit the overcoverage of primary
Initial energy & 500-700~joules \\
Sensing time for one round & 60 Minutes \\
-$E_{R}$ & 36 Joules\\
+$E_{th}$ & 36 Joules\\
$R_s$ & 5~m \\
$W_{\Theta}$ & 1 \\
We used the modeling language and the optimization solver which are mentioned in chapter 4, section \ref{ch4:sec:04:02}. In addition, we employed an energy consumption model, which is presented in chapter 4, section \ref{ch4:sec:04:03}.
-%The initial energy of each node is randomly set in the interval $[500;700]$. A sensor node will not participate in the next round if its remaining energy is less than $E_{R}=36~\mbox{Joules}$, the minimum energy needed for the node to stay alive during one round. This value has been computed by multiplying the energy consumed in active state (9.72 mW) by the time in second for one round (3600 seconds). According to the interval of initial energy, a sensor may be alive during at most 20 rounds.
+%The initial energy of each node is randomly set in the interval $[500;700]$. A sensor node will not participate in the next round if its remaining energy is less than $E_{th}=36~\mbox{Joules}$, the minimum energy needed for the node to stay alive during one round. This value has been computed by multiplying the energy consumed in active state (9.72 mW) by the time in second for one round (3600 seconds). According to the interval of initial energy, a sensor may be alive during at most 20 rounds.