\hyphenation{op-tical net-works semi-conduc-tor}
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-%\title{ Coverage and Lifetime Optimization in Heterogeneous Energy Wireless Sensor Networks}
+% paper title
+% can use linebreaks \\ within to get better formatting as desired
\title{Coverage and Lifetime Optimization in Heterogeneous Energy Wireless Sensor Networks}
-%Activity Scheduling for Coverage and Lifetime Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks}
-% author names and affiliations
-% use a multiple column layout for up to three different
-% affiliations
\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Ali Kadhum Idrees, Karine Deschinkel, Michel Salomon, and Rapha\"el Couturier}
-\IEEEauthorblockA{FEMTO-ST Institute, UMR 6174 CNRS \\
-University of Franche-Comt\'e, Belfort, France \\
-Email: ali.idness@edu.univ-fcomte.fr, $\lbrace$karine.deschinkel, michel.salomon, raphael.couturier$\rbrace$@univ-fcomte.fr}
-%\email{\{ali.idness, karine.deschinkel, michel.salomon, raphael.couturier\}@univ-fcomte.fr}
-%\IEEEauthorblockN{Homer Simpson}
-%\IEEEauthorblockA{FEMTO-ST Institute, UMR CNRS, University of Franche-Comte, Belfort, France}
-%\IEEEauthorblockN{James Kirk\\ and Montgomery Scott}
-%\IEEEauthorblockA{FEMTO-ST Institute, UMR CNRS, University of Franche-Comte, Belfort, France}
+\IEEEauthorblockA{FEMTO-ST Institute, UMR 6174 CNRS \\
+University of Franche-Comt\'e \\
+Belfort, France\\
+Email: ali.idness@edu.univ-fcomte.fr, $\lbrace$karine.deschinkel, michel.salomon, raphael.couturier$\rbrace$@univ-fcomte.fr}}
One of the fundamental challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
is the coverage preservation and the extension of the network lifetime
\noindent The fast developments in the low-cost sensor devices and wireless communications have allowed the emergence the WSNs. WSN includes a large number of small , limited-power sensors that can sense, process and transmit
proposed approach. Finally, we give concluding remarks and some
suggestions for future works in Section~\ref{sec:conclusion}.
\section{Related works}
decision is made by a leader in each subregion.
\section{Activity scheduling}
% use section* for acknowledgement
-% that's all folks