The first group of constraints indicates that some primary point $p$
should be covered by at least one sensor and, if it is not always the
case, overcoverage and undercoverage variables help balancing the
-restriction equation by taking positive values. There are two main %%RAPH restriction equations????
+restriction equations by taking positive values. There are two main
objectives. First we limit the overcoverage of primary points in order to
activate a minimum number of sensors. Second we prevent the absence of monitoring on
some parts of the subregion by minimizing the undercoverage. The
A sensor node has limited energy resources and computing power,
therefore it is important that the proposed algorithm has the shortest
possible execution time. The energy of a sensor node must be mainly
-used for the sensing phase, not for the pre-sensing ones. %%RAPH: plusieurs phase de pre-sensing??
+used for the sensing phase, not for the pre-sensing ones.
Table~\ref{table1} gives the average execution times in seconds
on a laptop of the decision phase (solving of the optimization problem)
during one round. They are given for the different approaches and
independently and simultaneously, is the most relevant way to maximize
the lifetime of a network.
-\section{Conclusion and future forks}
+\section{Conclusion and Future Works}
In this paper, we have addressed the problem of the coverage and the lifetime