-decides its status (active/sleep) based on its perimeter coverage
-computed through the k-Non-Unit-disk coverage algorithm proposed in
-Some other approaches do not consider a synchronized and predetermined
-period of time where the sensors are active or not. Indeed, each
-sensor maintains its own timer and its wake-up time is randomized
-\cite{Ye03} or regulated \cite{cardei05} over time.
-%A ecrire \cite{Abrams:2004:SKA:984622.984684}p33
-%The scheduling information is disseminated throughout the network and only sensors in the active state are responsible
-%for monitoring all targets, while all other nodes are in a low-energy sleep mode. The nodes decide cooperatively which of them will remain in sleep mode for a certain
-%period of time.
- %one way of increasing lifeteime is by turning off redundant nodes to sleep mode to conserve energy while active nodes provide essential coverage, which improves fault tolerance.
-%In this paper we focus on centralized algorithms because distributed algorithms are outside the scope of our work. Note that centralized coverage algorithms have the advantage of requiring very low processing power from the sensor nodes which have usually limited processing capabilities. Moreover, a recent study conducted in \cite{pc10} concludes that there is a threshold in terms of network size to switch from a localized to a centralized algorithm. Indeed the exchange of messages in large networks may consume a considerable amount of energy in a localized approach compared to a centralized one.
-{\bf Centralized approaches}
-Power efficient centralized schemes differ according to several
-criteria \cite{Cardei:2006:ECP:1646656.1646898}, such as the coverage
-objective (target coverage or area coverage), the node deployment
-method (random or deterministic) and the heterogeneity of sensor nodes
-(common sensing range, common battery lifetime). The major approach is
-to divide/organize the sensors into a suitable number of set covers
-where each set completely covers an interest region and to activate
-these set covers successively.
-The first algorithms proposed in the literature consider that the cover
-sets are disjoint: a sensor node appears in exactly one of the
-generated cover sets. For instance, Slijepcevic and Potkonjak
-\cite{Slijepcevic01powerefficient} propose an algorithm which
-allocates sensor nodes in mutually independent sets to monitor an area
-divided into several fields. Their algorithm builds a cover set by
-including in priority the sensor nodes which cover critical fields,
-that is to say fields that are covered by the smallest number of
-sensors. The time complexity of their heuristic is $O(n^2)$ where $n$
-is the number of sensors. \cite{cardei02}~describes a graph coloring
-technique to achieve energy savings by organizing the sensor nodes
-into a maximum number of disjoint dominating sets which are activated
-successively. The dominating sets do not guarantee the coverage of the
-whole region of interest. Abrams et
-al.~\cite{Abrams:2004:SKA:984622.984684} design three approximation
-algorithms for a variation of the set k-cover problem, where the
-objective is to partition the sensors into covers such that the number
-of covers that includes an area, summed over all areas, is maximized.
-Their work builds upon previous work
-in~\cite{Slijepcevic01powerefficient} and the generated cover sets do
-not provide complete coverage of the monitoring zone.
-%examine the target coverage problem by disjoint cover sets but relax the requirement that every cover set monitor all the targets and try to maximize the number of times the targets are covered by the partition. They propose various algorithms and establish approximation ratio.
-In~\cite{Cardei:2005:IWS:1160086.1160098}, the authors propose a
-heuristic to compute the disjoint set covers (DSC). In order to
-compute the maximum number of covers, they first transform DSC into a
-maximum-flow problem, which is then formulated as a mixed integer
-programming problem (MIP). Based on the solution of the MIP, they
-design a heuristic to compute the final number of covers. The results
-show a slight performance improvement in terms of the number of
-produced DSC in comparison to~\cite{Slijepcevic01powerefficient}, but
-it incurs higher execution time due to the complexity of the mixed
-integer programming solving. %Cardei and Du
-\cite{Cardei:2005:IWS:1160086.1160098} propose a method to efficiently
-compute the maximum number of disjoint set covers such that each set
-can monitor all targets. They first transform the problem into a
-maximum flow problem which is formulated as a mixed integer
-programming (MIP). Then their heuristic uses the output of the MIP to
-compute disjoint set covers. Results show that these heuristic
-provides a number of set covers slightly larger compared to
-\cite{Slijepcevic01powerefficient} but with a larger execution time
-due to the complexity of the mixed integer programming resolution.
-Zorbas et al. \cite{Zorbas2007} present B\{GOP\}, a centralized
-coverage algorithm introducing sensor candidate categorization
-depending on their coverage status and the notion of critical target
-to call targets that are associated with a small number of
-sensors. The total running time of their heuristic is $0(m n^2)$ where
-$n$ is the number of sensors, and $m$ the number of targets. Compared
-to algorithm's results of Slijepcevic and Potkonjak
-\cite{Slijepcevic01powerefficient}, their heuristic produces more
-cover sets with a slight growth rate in execution time.
-%More recently Manju and Pujari\cite{Manju2011}
-In the case of non-disjoint algorithms \cite{Manju2011}, sensors may
-participate in more than one cover set. In some cases this may
-prolong the lifetime of the network in comparison to the disjoint
-cover set algorithms, but designing algorithms for non-disjoint cover
-sets generally induces a higher order of complexity. Moreover, in
-case of a sensor's failure, non-disjoint scheduling policies are less
-resilient and less reliable because a sensor may be involved in more
-than one cover sets. For instance, Cardei et al.~\cite{cardei05bis}
-present a linear programming (LP) solution and a greedy approach to
-extend the sensor network lifetime by organizing the sensors into a
-maximal number of non-disjoint cover sets. Simulation results show
-that by allowing sensors to participate in multiple sets, the network
-lifetime increases compared with related
-work~\cite{Cardei:2005:IWS:1160086.1160098}. In~\cite{berman04}, the
-authors have formulated the lifetime problem and suggested another
-(LP) technique to solve this problem. A centralized provably near
-optimal solution based on the Garg-K\"{o}nemann
-algorithm~\cite{garg98} is also proposed.
-{\bf Our contribution}
-There are three main questions which should be addressed to build a
+decides its status (active/sleep) based on the perimeter coverage
+model, which proposed in \cite{Huang:2003:CPW:941350.941367}.
+Shibo et al.\cite{Shibo} studied the coverage problem, which is formulated as a minimum weight submodular set cover problem. To address this problem,
+ a distributed truncated greedy algorithm (DTGA) is proposed. They exploited from the
+temporal and spatialcorrelations among the data sensed by different sensor nodes and leverage
+prediction to extend the WSNs lifetime.
+Bang et al. \cite{Bang} proposed a coverage-aware clustering protocol(CACP), which used computation method for the optimal cluster size to minimize the average energy consumption rate per unit area. They defied in this protocol a cost metric that prefer the redundant sensors
+with higher power as best candidates for cluster heads and select the active sensors that cover the area of interest more efficiently.
+Zhixin et al. \cite{Zhixin} propose a Distributed Energy-
+Efficient Clustering with Improved Coverage(DEECIC) algorithm
+which aims at clustering with the least number of cluster
+heads to cover the whole network and assigning a unique ID
+to each node based on local information. In addition, this
+protocol periodically updates cluster heads according to the
+joint information of nodes $’ $residual energy and distribution.
+Although DEECIC does not require knowledge of a node's
+geographic location, it guarantees full coverage of the
+network. However, the protocol does not make any activity
+scheduling to set redundant sensors in passive mode in order
+to conserve energy. C. Liu and G. Cao \cite{Changlei} studied how to
+schedule sensor active time to maximize their coverage during a specified network lifetime. Their objective is to maximize the spatial-temporal coverage by scheduling sensors activity after they have been deployed. They proposed both centralized and distributed algorithms. The distributed parallel optimization protocol can ensure each sensor to converge to local optimality without conflict with each other. S. Misra et al. \cite{Misra} proposed a localized algorithm for coverage in sensor
+networks. The algorithm conserve the energy while ensuring the network coverage by activating the subset of sensors, with the minimum overlap area.The proposed method preserves
+the network connectivity by formation of the network backbone. L. Zhang et al. \cite{Zhang} presented a novel distributed clustering algorithm
+called Adaptive Energy Efficient Clustering (AEEC) to maximize network lifetime. In this study, they are introduced an optimization, which includes restricted global re-clustering,
+intra-cluster node sleeping scheduling and adaptive
+transmission range adjustment to conserve the energy, while connectivity and coverage is ensured. J. A. Torkestani \cite{Torkestani} proposed a learning automata-based energy-efficient coverage protocol
+ named as LAEEC to construct the degree-constrained connected dominating set (DCDS) in WSNs. He shows that the correct choice of the degree-constraint of DCDS balances the network load on the active nodes and leads to enhance the coverage and network lifetime.
+The main contribution of our approach addresses three main questions to build a