]> AND Private Git Repository - UIC2013.git/history - bare_conf.tex
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Private GIT Repository
Final version
[UIC2013.git] / bare_conf.tex
2013-12-13 Michel SalomonFinal version
2013-12-13 Michel SalomonCorrect some mistakes
2013-12-13 aliAdded some figures
2013-12-12 aliLast Update with 6 pages
2013-12-09 Michel SalomonSome modifications in the beginning of "Related Works"
2013-12-09 aliLAST UPDATE BY ALI
2013-12-05 aliThe Last Update with ICN2014 Template
2013-12-03 rootLast Version after correction
2013-12-02 aliAli makes a lot of updates
2013-08-29 Michel SalomonTitle update
2013-08-29 ali@ali.comnew
2013-08-29 ali@ali.comLastUpdate_Ali
2013-08-27 ali@ali.comlastnewversion
2013-08-23 Michel SalomonMinor typo corrections
2013-08-19 ali@ali.comNEWVersion
2013-08-19 ali@ali.comnew
2013-08-19 ali@ali.comali modif
2013-08-15 couturienew
2013-08-14 couturieend of English corrections
2013-08-14 couturiefirst English corrections
2013-08-13 couturienew
2013-08-13 couturieok pour les modifs de michel
2013-08-13 Michel SalomonChangement de l'ordre des dernieres sections et autres...
2013-08-12 couturienew
2013-08-12 couturienew
2013-08-12 couturienew
2013-08-11 couturienew
2013-08-10 Michel SalomonProof reading by Michel
2013-08-08 Michel SalomonPaper including the simulation results
2013-07-31 Karine Deschinkelchangement de Karine
2013-07-30 couturienew version