+In~\cite{17623808}, the aim of the authors is to reconstruct
+the genome of the last common ancestor between Mycobacterium leprae
+(Ml) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis and (Mt).
+\JFC{On devrait appliquer notre approche et comparer les résultats.}
+The set of genes of genomes of these two complex
+is enlarged with pseudo-genes which have been exhibit thanks
+to a similarity analysis. They focus on the subset of ortholog genes
+(how they extract them?).
+Thanks to the parsimony criterion
+(a (pseudo)gene is ancestral iff it is present in at least two of mycobacterial lineages), the authors compute the set of genes, which are included in the ancestral genome.
+They apply again the parsimony criterion to establish the order of these genes in the ancestor’s chromosome.