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+inhal = {no},
+equipe = {and},
+classement = {ACLI},
+impact-factor ={#},
+isi-acro = {#},
+author = {Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Couturier, Rapha\"el and Guyeux, Christophe},
+title = {{STABYLO}: {STeganography with Adaptive, Bbs, and binarY embedding at LOw cost}},
+journal = {Annals of Telecommunications},
+doi = {10.1007/s12243-015-0466-7},
+url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12243-015-0466-7},
+publisher = {Springer},
+year = 2015,
+note = {Available online. Paper version to appear},
+inhal = {no},
+equipe = {and},
+classement = {ACTI},
+author = {Fadil, Yousra Ahmed and Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Couturier, Rapha\"el and Guyeux, Christophe},
+title = {Steganalyzer performances in operational contexts},
+booktitle = {IIH-MSP 2015, 11th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing},
+pages = {***--***},
+address = {Adelaide, Australia},
+month = sep,
+year = 2015,
+note = {To appear},
+inhal = {no},
+equipe = {and},
+classement = {ACTI},
+author = {Bahi, Jacques and Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Friot, Nicolas and Guyeux, Christophe},
+title = {Application of Steganography for Anonymity through the Internet},
+booktitle = {IHTIAP'2012, 1-st Workshop on Information Hiding Techniques for Internet Anonymity and Privacy},
+pages = {96--101},
+url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1202.5302v1},
+address = {Venice, Italy},
+month = jun,
+year = 2012,
+inhal = {no},
+equipe = {and},
+classement = {ACTI},
+author = {Bahi, Jacques and Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Friot, Nicolas and Guyeux, Christophe and Mazouzi, Kamel},
+title = {Quality Studies of an Invisible Chaos-Based Watermarking Scheme with Message Extraction},
+booktitle = {IIHMSP'13, 9th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing},
+pages = {547--550},
+doi = {10.1109/IIH-MSP.2013.141},
+url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IIH-MSP.2013.141},
+address = {Beijing, China},
+month = oct,
+year = 2013,
+inhal = {no},
+equipe = {and},
+classement = {ACTI},
+author = {Bahi, Jacques and Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Friot, Nicolas and Guyeux, Christophe},
+title = {A Robust Data Hiding Process Contributing to the Development of a Semantic Web},
+booktitle = {INTERNET'2012, 4-th Int. Conf. on Evolving Internet},
+pages = {71--76},
+address = {Venice, Italy},
+month = jun,
+year = 2012,
+inhal = {no},
+equipe = {and},
+classement = {ACTI},
+author = {Bahi, Jacques and Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Guyeux, Christophe},
+title = {Steganography: a Class of Algorithms having Secure Properties},
+booktitle = {IIH-MSP-2011, 7-th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing},
+pages = {109--112},
+address = {Dalian, China},
+month = oct,
+year = 2011,
+inhal = {no},
+equipe = {and},
+classement = {ACLI},
+impact-factor ={1.363},
+isi-acro = {COMPUT J},
+author = {Bahi, Jacques and Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Guyeux, Christophe},
+title = {Steganography: a class of secure and robust algorithms},
+journal = {The Computer Journal},
+volume = 55,
+number = 6,
+pages = {653--666},
+doi = {10.1093/comjnl/bxr116},
+url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/bxr116},
+publisher = {Oxford University Press},
+year = 2012,
+inhal = {no},
+equipe = {and},
+classement = {ACTI},
+author = {Bahi, Jacques and Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Guyeux, Christophe and Wang, Qianxue},
+title = {Class of Trustworthy Pseudo Random Number Generators},
+booktitle = {INTERNET 2011, the 3-rd Int. Conf. on Evolving Internet},
+pages = {72--77},
+address = {Luxembourg, Luxembourg},
+month = jun,
+year = 2011,
+inhal = {no},
+equipe = {and},
+classement = {COM},
+author = {Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and H\'eam, Pierre-Cyrille and Guyeux, Christophe and Wang, Qianxue and Bahi, Jacques},
+title = {Traversing a n-cube without Balanced Hamiltonian Cycle to Generate Pseudorandom Numbers},
+howpublished = {15-th Mons Theoretical Computer Science Days (15e Journ\'ees Montoises d'Informatique Th\'eorique), Nancy, France},
+day = 23,
+month = sep,
+year = 2014,
author = {Bassam Alkindy, Christophe Guyeux, Jean-François Couchot,
OPTannote = {}
+author = {Guyeux, Christophe},
+title = {Le désordre des it\'erations chaotiques et leur utilit\'e en sécurit\'e informatique},
+type = {Th\`ese de {D}octorat},
+school = {LIFC, Universit\'e de Franche-Comt\'e},
+equipe = {AND},
+note = {Rapporteurs~: Pascale Charpin, Directrice de Recherche, INRIA-Rocquencourt ; Eric Filiol, Professeur, ESIEA-Laval ; Pierre Spitéri, Professeur Emérite, IRIT-ENSEEIHT. Examinateurs~: Michel de Labachelerie, Directeur de recherche CNRS, Université de Franche-Comté ; Laurent Larger, Professeur, Université de Franche-Comté ; Jean-Claude Miellou, Professeur, Université de Franche-Comté ; Congduc Pham, Professeur, Université de Pau. Directeur~: Jacques M. Bahi, Professeur, Université de Franche-Comté},
+month = {13 décembre},
+year = 2010,
inhal = {no},
number = {6}
+inhal = {no},
+equipe = {and},
+classement = {ACTI},
+author = {Bahi, Jacques and Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Guyeux, Christophe and Richard, Adrien},
+title = {On the Link Between Strongly Connected Iteration Graphs and Chaotic Boolean Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems},
+booktitle = {FCT'11, 18th Int. Symp. on Fundamentals of Computation Theory},
+series = {LNCS},
+volume = 6914,
+pages = {126--137},
+doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-22953-4_11},
+url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-22953-4_11},
+address = {Oslo, Norway},
+month = aug,
+year = 2011,
author = {Bahi, J. M. and Contassot-Vivier, S. and Couchot, J.-F.},
title = {Convergence Results of Combining Synchronism and Asynchronism for
+inhal = {no},
+equipe = {and},
+classement = {ACLI},
+impact-factor ={1.255},
+isi-acro = {MECHATRONICS},
+author = {Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Deschinkel, Karine and Salomon, Michel},
+title = {Active {MEMS}-based flow control using artificial neural network},
+journal = {Mechatronics},
+volume = 23,
+number = 7,
+pages = {898--905},
+doi = {10.1016/j.mechatronics.2013.02.010},
+url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mechatronics.2013.02.010},
+abstract = {These last years several research works have studied the application of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) for aerodynamic active flow control. Controlling such MEMS-based systems remains a challenge. Among the several existing control approaches for time varying systems, many of them use a process model representing the dynamic behavior of the process to be controlled. The purpose of this paper is to study the suitability of an artificial neural network first to predict the flow evolution induced by MEMS, and next to optimize the flow w.r.t. a numerical criterion. To achieve this objective, we focus on a dynamic flow over a backward facing step where MEMS actuators velocities are adjusted to maximize the pressure over the step surface. The first effort has been to establish a baseline database provided by computational fluid dynamics simulations for training the neural network. Then we investigate the possibility to control the flow through MEMS configuration changes. Results are promising, despite slightly high computational times for real time application.},
+publisher = {Elsevier},
+month = oct,
+year = 2013,
+note = {Available online. Paper version to appear},
+inhal = {no},
+equipe = {and},
+classement = {ACTI},
+author = {Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and Deschinkel, Karine and Salomon, Michel},
+title = {Suitability of Artificial Neural Network for {MEMS}-based Flow Control},
+booktitle = {dMEMS 2012, Workshop on design, control and software implementation for distributed MEMS},
+pages = {1--6},
+editor = {Bourgeois, Julien and de Labachelerie, Michel},
+address = {Besan\c{c}on, France},
+publisher = {IEEE CPS},
+month = apr,
+year = 2012,
inhal = {no},