+journal={Multimedia Tools and Applications},
+title={Blind digital watermarking in PDF documents using Spread Transform Dither Modulation.},
+publisher={Springer US},
+author={Bitar, Ahmad and Darazi, Rony and Couchot, Jean-François and
+Couturier, Raphaël},
+note={to appear},
+author = {Chen, Brian and Wornell, Gregory W.},
+title = {Provably robust digital watermarking},
+journal = {Proc. SPIE},
+volume = {3845},
+number = {},
+pages = {43-54},
+year = {1999},
+doi = {10.1117/12.371232},
+URL = { http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.371232},
+eprint = {}
+author={Darazi, R. and Hu, R. and Macq, B.},
+booktitle={Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2010 IEEE International Conference on},
+title={Applying Spread Transform Dither Modulation for 3D-mesh watermarking by using perceptual models},
+keywords={transforms;watermarking;3D-mesh watermarking;curvature;perceptual models;spherical coordinates system;spread transform dither modulation;Computer aided manufacturing;Humans;Laboratories;Quantization;Remote sensing;Robustness;Signal generators;Signal processing;Visual system;Watermarking;3D meshes;Human Visual System (HVS);Quantization Index Modulation(QIM);Watermarking},
+author={Wan, Wenbo and Liu, Ju and Sun, Jiande and Yang,XiaoHui and Nie, Xiushan and Wang, Feng },
+booktitle={Image Processing (ICIP), 2013 20th IEEE International Conference on},
+title={Logarithmic Spread-Transform Dither Modulation watermarking Based on Perceptual Model},
+keywords={inverse transforms;quantisation (signal);random processes;vectors;watermarking;LQIM;LSTDM-WM;inverse transform;logarithmic quantization function;logarithmic quantization index modulation;logarithmic spread-transform dither modulation based on perceptual model;logarithmic spread-transform dither modulation watermarking;quantization-based watermarking method;quantized signal;random vector;volumetric scaling attack;watermark data;watermark embedding;watermarked signal;Digital Watermarking;LQIM;LSTDM-MW;STDM;Watson's perceptual model},
+journal={Journal of VLSI signal processing systems for signal, image and video technology},
+title={Quantization Index Modulation Methods for Digital Watermarking and Information Embedding of Multimedia},
+publisher={Kluwer Academic Publishers},
+keywords={digital watermarking; information embedding; quantization index modulation; dither modulation; distortion compensation},
+author={Chen, Brian and Wornell, Gregory W.},
+ author = {Wang, C. T. and Tsai, W. H. },
+ title = {Data hiding in PDF files and applications by Imperceivable modifications of PDF object parameters},
+ OPTcrossref = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of 2008 Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing},
+ year = {2008},
+ OPTeditor = {},
+ OPTvolume = {},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ OPTseries = {},
+ pages = {1--6},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTaddress = {},
+ OPTorganization = {},
+ OPTpublisher = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = {I{-}Shi Lee and
+ Wen{-}Hsiang Tsai},
+ title = {A new approach to covert communication via {PDF} files},
+ journal = {Signal Processing},
+ volume = {90},
+ number = {2},
+ pages = {557--565},
+ year = {2010},
+ url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sigpro.2009.07.022},
+ doi = {10.1016/j.sigpro.2009.07.022},
+ timestamp = {Wed, 13 Jan 2010 11:24:36 +0100},
+ biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/journals/sigpro/LeeT10},
+ bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
+ author = {Lin, H. F. and Lu, L. W. and Gun, C. Y. and Chen, C. Y.},
+ title = {A Copyright Protection Scheme Based on PDF},
+ journal = {International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control},
+ year = {2013},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ volume = {9},
+ number = {1},
+ pages = {1--6},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ note = {ISSN 1349-4198},
+ OPTannote = {}
+ author = { Alizadeh, F. and Canceill, N. and Dabkiewicz, S. and Vandevenne, D.},
+ title = {Using Steganography to hide messages inside PDF files},
+ howpublished = {SSN Project Report},
+ month = dec,
+ year = {2012},
+ OPTnote = {34p,}
+ author = {POR, L. Y. and Delina, B.},
+ title = {Information Hiding: A New Approach in Text Steganography},
+ year = {2008},
+ OPTeditor = {},
+ OPTvolume = {},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ OPTseries = {},
+ OPTpages = {},
+ month = apr,
+ OPTaddress = {},
+ OPTorganization = {},
+ OPTpublisher = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}