1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
5 wishbone master for apf27
10 This block is the wishbone master of the design, connected to the i.MX of APF27
13 This block is the wishbone master of the design, connected to the i.MX of APF27
23 <input name="clk" type="boolean" width="1" purpose="clock" />
24 <input name="rst" type="boolean" width="1" purpose="reset" />
26 <input name="imx_addr" type="expression" width="$wb_addr_width" level="top"/>
27 <input name="imx_cs_n" type="boolean" width="1" level="top"/>
28 <input name="imx_oe_n" type="boolean" width="1" level="top"/>
29 <input name="imx_eb3_n" type="boolean" width="1" level="top"/>
31 <input name="ack_i" type="boolean" width="1" purpose="wb" />
32 <input name="dat_i" width="$wb_data_width" purpose="wb" />
35 <output name="addr_o" type="expression" width="$wb_addr_width" purpose="wb" />
36 <output name="dat_o" type="expression" width="$wb_data_width" purpose="wb" />
37 <output name="cyc_o" type="boolean" width="1" purpose="wb" />
38 <output name="stb_o" type="boolean" width="1" purpose="wb" />
39 <output name="we_o" type="boolean" width="1" purpose="wb" />
42 <bidir name="imx_data" width="$wb_data_width" level="top"/>