- GroupBlock* groupBlock = params->addGroupBlock();
- // creating the BlockItem in the inner scene
- BoxItem* block = new BoxItem(groupBlock, dispatcher, params, scene->getGroupItem());
- GroupWidget* child = dispatcher->createChildScene(this,block);
+ GroupBlock* parent = AB_TO_GRP(scene->getGroupItem()->getRefBlock());
+ cout << "new group : parent = "<< qPrintable(parent->getName()) << endl;
+ GroupBlock* groupBlock = params->getGraph()->createChildBlock(parent);
+ cout << "new group : child = "<< qPrintable(groupBlock->getName()) << ", child of " << qPrintable(groupBlock->getParent()->getName()) << endl;
+ // creating the BlockItem in the scene
+ BoxItem* newItem = scene->createBlockItem(groupBlock);
+ GroupWidget* child = dispatcher->createChildScene(this,newItem);