- BoxItem(AbstractBlock *_refBlock, Dispatcher *_dispatcher, Parameters *_params, GroupItem* parent) throw(Exception);
- BoxItem(Dispatcher *_dispatcher, Parameters *_params, GroupItem* parent) throw(Exception);
+ enum Position { Free = 0, Left , Right, Top, Bottom, TopLeft, BottomLeft, TopRight, BottomRight }; // if not Free, glue the box to the desired border
+ enum SpanType { NoSpan = 0, HSpan = 1, VSpan = 2 };
+ BoxItem(AbstractBlock *_refBlock, Dispatcher *_dispatcher, Parameters *_params, GroupItem* parent, int _lock = NoLock, SpanType _span = NoSpan, Position _position = Free) throw(Exception);
+ BoxItem(Dispatcher *_dispatcher, Parameters *_params, GroupItem* parent, int _lock = NoLock, SpanType _span = NoSpan, Position _position = Free) throw(Exception);