- // connect both interface
- bool ok = true;
- if (refInter->getDirection() == AbstractInterface::Output) {
- ok = refInter->connectTo(groupInter);
- ok = ok & groupInter->connectFrom(refInter);
- }
- else if (refInter->getDirection() == AbstractInterface::Input) {
- ok = groupInter->connectTo(refInter);
- ok = ok & refInter->connectFrom(groupInter);
- }
- else if (refInter->getDirection() == AbstractInterface::InOut) {
- ok = refInter->connectTo(groupInter);
- ok = ok & groupInter->connectFrom(refInter);
- ok = ok & groupInter->connectTo(refInter);
- ok = ok & refInter->connectFrom(groupInter);
- }
- if (!ok) {
- cerr << "abnormal case while connecting a block iface to its parent group" << endl;
- }
+ // creating/adding the group control interface in the graph model
+ GroupInterface *groupCtlInter = new GroupInterface(parentBlock,refInter->getName()+"_group_enb",refInter->getDirection(),AbstractInterface::Control);
+ groupCtlInter->setAssociatedIface(groupInter);
+ parentItem->getRefBlock()->addInterface(groupCtlInter);