#include "DelayInputModifier.h"
-#include "InterfacePropertiesWindow.h"
+#include "InterfacePropertiesDialog.h"
+#include <QHashIterator>
int Dispatcher::sceneCounter = 0;
ok1 = true;
- // if the frist one did not work, test ref2->ref1
+ // if the first one did not work, test ref2->ref1
if ((ok1 == false) && (ref2->canConnectTo(ref1)) && (ref1->canConnectFrom(ref2))) {
ok2 = true;
-BoxItem* Dispatcher::addBlock(Context context, int idCategory, int idBlock, int idScene) {
+BoxItem* Dispatcher::addBlock(Context context, int idCategory, int idBlock, int idScene, QHash<QString, int> clkRstToGen) {
static QString fctName = "Dispatcher::addBlock()";
cout << "call to " << qPrintable(fctName) << endl;
else {
GroupBlock* group = AB_TO_GRP(scene->getGroupItem()->getRefBlock());
FunctionalBlock* newOne = params->getGraph()->createFunctionalBlock(group, ref, true);
+ // creating the box item
item = scene->createBoxItem(newOne);
+ if (params->autoConnMainClk) {
+ // for now just use the first one
+ QHashIterator<QString,int> iter(clkRstToGen);
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ iter.next();
+ AbstractInterface* iface = newOne->getIfaceFromName(iter.key());
+ if (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Clock) {
+ newOne->connectClock(iface->getName(), iter.value());
+ }
+ else if (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Reset) {
+ newOne->connectReset(iface->getName(), iter.value());
+ }
+ }
+ }
params->unsaveModif = true;
return item;
+void Dispatcher::addClkRstGenBlock(Context context, double frequency) {
+ static QString fctName = "Dispatcher::addClkRstGenBlock()";
+ cout << "call to " << qPrintable(fctName) << endl;
+ if (context == Design) {
+ params->clocks.append(frequency);
+ // get the top group
+ GroupBlock *group = params->getGraph()->getTopGroup();
+ GroupScene *scene = topGroupWidget->getScene();
+ // creating the clkrstgen block
+ ReferenceBlock* ref = params->getHiddenReferenceBlock("clkrstgen");
+ FunctionalBlock* newOne = params->getGraph()->createFunctionalBlock(group, ref, true);
+ QString name = "clkrstgen_";
+ name += QString::number(params->clocks.size()-1);
+ newOne->setName(name);
+ // creating the box item
+ BoxItem* item = scene->createBoxItem(newOne, BoxItem::Left, AbstractBoxItem::Dimension);
+ item->setVisible(false);
+ ConnectedInterface* fromIfaceClk = NULL;
+ ConnectedInterface* fromIfaceReset = NULL;
+ QString clkName = "ext_clk_"+QString::number(params->clocks.size()-1);
+ QString rstName = "ext_reset_"+QString::number(params->clocks.size()-1);
+ fromIfaceClk = new GroupInterface(group,clkName, AbstractInterface::Input, AbstractInterface::Clock);
+ fromIfaceReset = new GroupInterface(group,rstName, AbstractInterface::Input, AbstractInterface::Reset);
+ group->addInterface(fromIfaceClk);
+ group->addInterface(fromIfaceReset);
+ // creating top group ext_clk iface item
+ GroupItem* groupItem = scene->getGroupItem();
+ InterfaceItem* fromIfaceItemClk = new InterfaceItem(0.5 , Parameters::West, fromIfaceClk, groupItem, params, true);
+ groupItem->addInterfaceItem(fromIfaceItemClk,true);
+ // creating top group ext_reset iface item
+ InterfaceItem* fromIfaceItemReset = new InterfaceItem(0.5 , Parameters::West, fromIfaceReset, groupItem, params, false);
+ groupItem->addInterfaceItem(fromIfaceItemReset,true);
+ // connecting ext_clk iface items
+ InterfaceItem* toIfaceItemClk = item->searchInterfaceItemByName("ext_clk");
+ if (toIfaceItemClk == NULL) {
+ cerr << "Abnormal case while connecting top group ext_clk to clkrstgen" << endl;
+ }
+ createConnection(context,fromIfaceItemClk, toIfaceItemClk, false);
+ // connecting ext_reset iface items
+ InterfaceItem* toIfaceItemReset = item->searchInterfaceItemByName("ext_reset");
+ if (toIfaceItemReset == NULL) {
+ cerr << "Abnormal case while connecting top group ext_reset to clkrstgen" << endl;
+ }
+ createConnection(context,fromIfaceItemReset, toIfaceItemReset, false);
+ params->blockToItem.insert(newOne,item);
+ params->unsaveModif = true;
+ }
GroupWidget *Dispatcher::createTopScene(Context context){
static QString fctName = "Dispatcher::createTopScene()";
if (context == Design) {
- // creating the clkrstgen block
- ReferenceBlock* ref = params->getHiddenReferenceBlock("clkrstgen");
- FunctionalBlock* newOne = params->getGraph()->createFunctionalBlock(topBlock, ref, true);
- ConnectedInterface* fromIface = AI_TO_CON(topBlock->getIfaceFromName("ext_clk"));
- ConnectedInterface* toIface = AI_TO_CON(newOne->getIfaceFromName("ext_clk"));
- fromIface->connectTo(toIface);
- fromIface = AI_TO_CON(topBlock->getIfaceFromName("ext_reset"));
- toIface = AI_TO_CON(newOne->getIfaceFromName("ext_reset"));
- fromIface->connectTo(toIface);
- // create the clkrstgen boxitem
- BoxItem* item = scene->createBoxItem(newOne, GroupScene::Left, GroupScene::Top, AbstractBoxItem::Position, BoxItem::HSpan);
- params->blockToItem.insert(newOne,item);
+ // create clkrstgen
+ double freq = params->clocks.at(0);
+ params->clocks.clear();
+ addClkRstGenBlock(context,freq);
return topGroupWidget;
cout << "call to " << qPrintable(fctName) << endl;
+ bool createIfaces = true;
+ if (context == Load) {
+ createIfaces = false;
+ }
// getting the parent block in the graph
GroupBlock* parent = AB_TO_GRP(scene->getGroupItem()->getRefBlock());
cout << "new group : parent = "<< qPrintable(parent->getName()) << endl;
- GroupBlock* groupBlock = params->getGraph()->createChildGroupBlock(parent);
+ GroupBlock* groupBlock = params->getGraph()->createChildGroupBlock(parent, createIfaces);
cout << "new group : child = "<< qPrintable(groupBlock->getName()) << ", child of " << qPrintable(groupBlock->getParent()->getName()) << endl;
// creating the BlockItem in the scene
BoxItem* newItem = scene->createBoxItem(groupBlock);
void Dispatcher::showProperties(Context context, InterfaceItem *inter) {
- new InterfacePropertiesWindow(inter);
+ QDialog* dial = new InterfacePropertiesDialog(inter);
+ dial->exec();
/* connectInterToGroup() :