// testers
virtual bool isBoxItem();
- virtual bool isGroupItem();
+ virtual bool isGroupItem();
+ virtual bool isSourceItem();
inline bool isSelected() { return selected; }
inline bool isRstClkVisible(){ return rstClkVisible;}
inline bool isWishboneVisible(){ return wishboneVisible;}
// others
+ virtual void nameChanged() = 0; // called when an interface or box name have changed
void addInterface(InterfaceItem* i, bool resetPosition = false);
void removeInterface(InterfaceItem* i);
void resetInterfacesPosition();
int nameHeight; // the height of the name in Arial 10
int nameMargin; // the margin around each side of the name
int ifaceMargin; // the margin around each side of interfaces' name
- QPointF originPoint; // the left-top point that is the origin of the bounding box
+ QPointF originPoint; // the left-top point that is the origin of the bounding box, in the item coordinates
bool selected;
bool rstClkVisible; //! true if clock/reset interfaces are visible
bool wishboneVisible; //! true if wishbone interfaces are visible
- QPointF currentPosition; // the start point for resize
+ QPointF currentPosition; // the start point for resize, i.e. the position of the lef-top corner of the box, in the scene coordinates
virtual void updateMinimumSize() = 0; // modify the minimum size
virtual bool updateGeometry(ChangeType type) = 0; // modify the originPoint and the total dimension