bool Dispatcher::createConnection(InterfaceItem *iface1, InterfaceItem *iface2) {
ConnectedInterface* ref1 = iface1->refInter;
- ConnectedInterface* ref2 = iface2->refInter;
- ConnectedInterface* asso1 = (ConnectedInterface*)(iface1->refInter->getAssociatedIface());
- ConnectedInterface* asso2 = (ConnectedInterface*)(iface2->refInter->getAssociatedIface());
+ ConnectedInterface* ref2 = iface2->refInter;
// connect both interface
bool ok1 = false;
// test the ref1->ref2 connection
if ((ref1->canConnectTo(ref2)) && (ref2->canConnectFrom(ref1))) {
- ref1->connectTo(ref2);
- /*
- ref2->connectFrom(ref1);
- if ((asso1 != NULL) && (asso2 != NULL)) {
- asso1->connectTo(asso2);
- asso2->connectFrom(asso1);
- }
- */
+ ref1->connectTo(ref2);
ok1 = true;
// if the frist one did not work, test ref2->ref1
if ((ok1 == false) && (ref2->canConnectTo(ref1)) && (ref1->canConnectFrom(ref2))) {
- ref2->connectTo(ref1);
- /*
- ref1->connectFrom(ref2);
- if ((asso1 != NULL) && (asso2 != NULL)) {
- asso1->connectFrom(asso2);
- asso2->connectTo(asso1);
- }
- */
+ ref2->connectTo(ref1);
ok2 = true;
if ((ok1 == true) || (ok2 == true)) {
params->unsaveModif = true;
+ cout << "created a connection from " << qPrintable(ref1->getName()) << " to " << qPrintable(ref2->getName()) << endl;
return true;
return false;
+void Dispatcher::showPatterns(InterfaceItem *item) {
+ static QString fctName = "Dispatcher::showPatterns()";
+ cout << "call to " << qPrintable(fctName) << endl;
+ ConnectedInterface* iface = AI_TO_CON(item->refInter->getAssociatedIface());
+ foreach(char c, *(iface->getOutputPattern())) {
+ cout << (int)c;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
void Dispatcher::duplicateBoxItem(BoxItem *item){
static QString fctName = "Dispatcher::duplicateBoxItem()";
InterfaceItem *cloneIfaceItem = new InterfaceItem(item->getPosition(),item->getOrientation(),(ConnectedInterface*)cloneIface,item->getOwner(),params);
- item->getOwner()->addInterface(cloneIfaceItem,true);
+ item->getOwner()->addInterfaceItem(cloneIfaceItem,true);
// creating control interface if needed
if (refI->getAssociatedIface() != NULL) {
GroupScene *scene = getSceneById(idScene);
ReferenceBlock* ref = params->getReferenceBlock(idCategory,idBlock);
// if block has no inputs, propose to add it as a source to top scene
- if ((scene->isTopScene()) && (ref->getDataInputs().isEmpty())) {
+ if ((scene->isTopScene()) && (ref->isGeneratorBlock())) {
int ret = QMessageBox::question(NULL,"Adding a block to top scene","Selected block may be used as a source for the top scene. Do you want to add it as a source ?");
if (ret == QMessageBox::Yes) {
newSource = true;
if (item->getRefBlock()->isFunctionalBlock()) {
- FunctionalBlock* block = AB_TO_FUN(item->getRefBlock());
- GroupBlock* group = AB_TO_GRP(block->getParent());
+ FunctionalBlock* block = AB_TO_FUN(item->getRefBlock());
-void Dispatcher::removeConnection(ConnectionItem *conn) {
+void Dispatcher::removeConnection(ConnectionItem *connItem) {
static QString fctName = "Dispatcher::removeConnection()";
cout << "call to " << qPrintable(fctName) << endl;
- InterfaceItem* fromIfaceItem = conn->getFromInterfaceItem();
- InterfaceItem* toIfaceItem = conn->getToInterfaceItem();
+ InterfaceItem* fromIfaceItem = connItem->getFromInterfaceItem();
+ InterfaceItem* toIfaceItem = connItem->getToInterfaceItem();
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << "remove connection from " << qPrintable(fromIfaceItem->refInter->getName()) << " to " << qPrintable(toIfaceItem->refInter->getName()) << endl;
- InterfaceItem* groupIfaceItem = NULL; // in case of one of the two interface belongs to the GroupItem
- GroupItem* groupItem = NULL;
+ InterfaceItem* groupIfaceItem = NULL; // in case of one of the two interface belongs to the GroupItem, and stays NULL if not
+ GroupItem* groupItem = NULL; // the GroupItem of the scene that contains connItem
ConnectedInterface *fromInter = fromIfaceItem->refInter;
- ConnectedInterface *toInter = toIfaceItem->refInter;
- // process the special case source->group apart
- if (fromIfaceItem->getOwner()->isSourceItem()) {
- // remove from graph
- fromInter->disconnectTo(toInter);
- // remove from scene
- fromIfaceItem->removeConnectionItem(conn);
- toIfaceItem->removeConnectionItem(conn);
- groupItem->getScene()->removeConnectionItem(conn);
- return;
- }
+ ConnectedInterface *toInter = toIfaceItem->refInter;
+ // test if one of the interface bounded to item is owned by a GroupItem
if (fromIfaceItem->getOwner()->isGroupItem()) {
- groupIfaceItem = fromIfaceItem;
- groupItem = toIfaceItem->getOwner()->getScene()->getGroupItem();
+ groupItem = ABI_TO_GI(fromIfaceItem->getOwner());
+ groupIfaceItem = fromIfaceItem;
else if (toIfaceItem->getOwner()->isGroupItem()) {
- groupIfaceItem = toIfaceItem;
- groupItem = fromIfaceItem->getOwner()->getScene()->getGroupItem();
+ groupItem = ABI_TO_GI(toIfaceItem->getOwner());
+ groupIfaceItem = toIfaceItem;
else {
groupItem = fromIfaceItem->getOwner()->getScene()->getGroupItem();
// removing the connection from scene
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << "removing connections from scene ..." ;
- fromIfaceItem->removeConnectionItem(conn);
- toIfaceItem->removeConnectionItem(conn);
- groupItem->getScene()->removeConnectionItem(conn);
+ groupItem->getScene()->removeConnectionItem(connItem);
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << "done." << endl ;
+ // if one of the interface bounded to connItem is owned by the GroupItem of the scene
if (groupIfaceItem != NULL) {
+ // determine if the interface must be removed since it has no more connections.
bool groupInterRemove = false;
- if ((groupIfaceItem->nter->isConnectedTo() == false) && (groupInter->isConnectedFrom() == false)) groupInterRemove = true;
+ if ((groupIfaceItem->refInter->isConnectedTo() == false) && (groupIfaceItem->refInter->isConnectedFrom() == false)) groupInterRemove = true;
- ConnectedInterface* groupInter = groupIfaceItem->refInter;
- groupItem->removeInterface(groupIfaceItem);
- BoxItem* parent2Item = groupItem->getParentItem();
- if (parent2Item != NULL) {
- InterfaceItem* group2IfaceItem = parent2Item->searchInterfaceByRef(groupInter);
- parent2Item->removeInterface(group2IfaceItem);
+ if (groupInterRemove) {
+ // get the GroupInterface from interface item
+ ConnectedInterface* groupInter = groupIfaceItem->refInter;
+ // remove interface from GroupItem, and delete it.
+ groupItem->removeInterfaceItem(groupIfaceItem);
+ // get the parent BoxItem of GroupItem if it exists.
+ BoxItem* parent2Item = groupItem->getParentItem();
+ if (parent2Item != NULL) {
+ InterfaceItem* group2IfaceItem = parent2Item->searchInterfaceItemByRef(groupInter);
+ // remove interface intem in parent BoxItem
+ parent2Item->removeInterfaceItem(group2IfaceItem);
+ }
+ // remove GroupInterface in the graph.
+ groupInter->getOwner()->removeInterface(groupInter);
- groupInter->getOwner()->removeInterface(groupInter);
-void Dispatcher::showProperties(InterfaceItem *inter)
+void Dispatcher::showProperties(InterfaceItem *inter) {
new InterfacePropertiesWindow(inter);
// creating/adding the group interface in the current scene model, and connection item
InterfaceItem *groupIfaceItem = new InterfaceItem(0,item->getOrientation(),groupInter,parentItem,params);
- parentItem->addInterface(groupIfaceItem,true);
+ parentItem->addInterfaceItem(groupIfaceItem,true);
// creating the connection, in graph and with an item
createConnection(item, groupIfaceItem);
BoxItem* parent2Item = parentItem->getParentItem();
if(parent2Item != NULL){
InterfaceItem *blockIfaceItem = new InterfaceItem(0,item->getOrientation(),groupInter,parent2Item,params);
- parent2Item->addInterface(blockIfaceItem,true);
+ parent2Item->addInterfaceItem(blockIfaceItem,true);
params->unsaveModif = true;
-void Dispatcher::disconnectInterFromGroup(InterfaceItem *item) {
- static QString fctName = "Dispatcher::disconnectInterFromGroup()";
- cout << "call to " << qPrintable(fctName) << endl;
- // getting the GroupBlock and GroupItem that are parent of the block that owns item
- ConnectedInterface *refInter = item->refInter;
- ConnectedInterface *groupInter = NULL;
- GroupBlock* parentGroup = AB_TO_GRP(refInter->getOwner()->getParent());
- GroupItem *parentItem = item->getOwner()->getScene()->getGroupItem();
- // removing the connection from graph
-#ifdef DEBUG
- cout << "removing connections from graph ..." ;
- if (refInter->getDirection() == AbstractInterface::Output) {
- groupInter = refInter->getConnectionToParentGroup(); // must be a single connection to
- refInter->removeConnectedTo(groupInter);
- groupInter->clearConnectedFrom();
- }
- else if (refInter->getDirection() == AbstractInterface::Input) {
- groupInter = refInter->getConnectedFrom();
- refInter->clearConnectedFrom();
- groupInter->removeConnectedTo(refInter);
- }
- else if (refInter->getDirection() == AbstractInterface::InOut) {
- groupInter = refInter->getConnectionToParentGroup(); // must be a single connection to
- refInter->clearConnectedTo();
- refInter->clearConnectedFrom();
- groupInter->clearConnectedTo();
- groupInter->clearConnectedFrom();
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- cout << "done." << endl ;
- if (groupInter == NULL) {
- cerr << "abnormal case 1 while removing an interface item of a block, linked to a parent group" << endl;
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- cout << "getting group interface item, and connection item ..." ;
- InterfaceItem* groupIfaceItem = parentItem->searchInterfaceByRef(groupInter);
- if (groupIfaceItem == NULL) {
- cerr << "abnormal case 2 while removing an interface item of a block, linked to a parent group" << endl;
- }
- ConnectionItem* conn = parentItem->getScene()->searchConnectionItem(item,groupIfaceItem);
- if (conn == NULL) {
- cerr << "abnormal case 3 while removing an interface item of a block, linked to a parent group" << endl;
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- cout << "done." << endl ;
- // removing the interface group item from the group item, and the connection item
-#ifdef DEBUG
- cout << "removing group interface item, and connection item ..." ;
- bool groupInterRemove = false;
- if ((groupInter->isConnectedTo() == false) && (groupInter->isConnectedFrom() == false)) groupInterRemove = true;
- item->removeConnectionItem(conn);
- groupIfaceItem->removeConnectionItem(conn);
- if (groupInterRemove) {
- parentItem->removeInterface(groupIfaceItem); // CAUTION : this deletes the interface item.
- }
- parentItem->getScene()->removeConnectionItem(conn);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- cout << "done." << endl ;
- if (groupInterRemove) {
- // removing the interface box item in the parent scene
-#ifdef DEBUG
- cout << "removing the inteeface item of box item in parent scene if needed ..." ;
- BoxItem* parent2Item = parentItem->getParentItem();
- if (parent2Item != NULL) {
- InterfaceItem* group2IfaceItem = parent2Item->searchInterfaceByRef(groupInter);
- parent2Item->removeInterface(group2IfaceItem);
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- cout << "done." << endl ;
- // removing the interface group from the group
-#ifdef DEBUG
- cout << "removing group interface ..." ;
- parentGroup->removeInterface(groupInter);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- cout << "done." << endl ;
- }
void Dispatcher::removeFunctionalInterface(InterfaceItem *item) {
static QString fctName = "Dispatcher::removeBlockInterface()";
ConnectedInterface* ref = item->refInter;
- item->getOwner()->removeInterface(item);
+ item->getOwner()->removeInterfaceItem(item);
FunctionalBlock* fun = AB_TO_FUN(ref->getOwner());
cout << "call to " << qPrintable(fctName) << endl;
- /* NB: there is a single connection between item and another one that is owned
- by a BoxItem. Thus, we just have to find it and to call disconnectInterFromGroup();
+ /* NB: just remove all connections from/to this item, since when there are no more
+ ones to a GroupItem, it is automatically deleted.
- ConnectionItem* conn = item->;
- if (conn->getFromInterfaceItem() == item) {
- disconnectInterFromGroup(conn->getToInterfaceItem());
- }
- else {
- disconnectInterFromGroup(conn->getFromInterfaceItem());
+ foreach(ConnectionItem* conn, item->connections) {
+ removeConnection(conn);