ok2 = true;
- if ((ok1 == true) || (ok2 == true)) {
+ if ((ok1 == true) || (ok2 == true)) {
- iface1->getOwner()->getScene()->createConnectionItem(iface1,iface2, visible);
+ if (ok1) {
+ cout << "trying to create a connection from " << qPrintable(ref1->getOwner()->getName()) << "/" << qPrintable(ref1->getName());
+ cout << " to " << qPrintable(ref2->getOwner()->getName()) << "/" << qPrintable(ref2->getName());
+ iface1->getOwner()->getScene()->createConnectionItem(iface1,iface2, visible);
+ }
+ else {
+ cout << "trying to create a connection from " << qPrintable(ref2->getOwner()->getName()) << "/" << qPrintable(ref2->getName());
+ cout << " to " << qPrintable(ref1->getOwner()->getName()) << "/" << qPrintable(ref1->getName());
+ iface2->getOwner()->getScene()->createConnectionItem(iface2,iface1, visible);
+ }
+ cout << " ... done." << endl;
- params->unsaveModif = true;
- cout << "created a connection from " << qPrintable(ref1->getName()) << " to " << qPrintable(ref2->getName()) << endl;
+ params->unsaveModif = true;
return true;
return false;
- // copying external resources
+ // generate VHDL + copying external resources
QString dest = params->projectPath;
- dest += "/src/";
- try {
+ dest += "/src/";
+ try {
QList<QString> extResources = params->getGraph()->getExternalResources();
catch(Exception e) {
+ // generate testbench
+ dest = params->projectPath;
+ dest += "/testbench/";
+ dest += params->projectName;
+ dest += "_tb.vhd";
+ try {
+ params->getGraph()->generateTestbench(params->projectName, dest);
+ }
+ catch(Exception e) {
+ throw(e);
+ }
// creating parameters file
QString paramName = params->projectPath+"/params-isim.txt";
out << endl;
out << "VL_SRC := ${XILINX}/verilog/src/glbl.v" << endl << endl;
- out << "TB_SRC := $(TB_DIR)/read_csv.vhd \\" << endl;
- out << "\t$(TB_DIR)/$(PROJECT_NAME)_tb.vhd" << endl << endl;
+ out << "TB_SRC := $(TB_DIR)/$(PROJECT_NAME)_tb.vhd" << endl << endl;
out << "SIMU_EXE := $(PROJECT_NAME)_tb" << endl << endl;
-BoxItem* Dispatcher::addBlock(Context context, int idCategory, int idBlock, int idScene, QHash<QString, int> clkRstToGen) {
+void Dispatcher::addBlock(Context context, int idCategory, int idBlock, int idScene, QHash<QString, int> clkRstToGen) {
static QString fctName = "Dispatcher::addBlock()";
cout << "call to " << qPrintable(fctName) << endl;
- bool newStimuli = false;
- BoxItem* item = NULL;
+ bool newStimuli = false;
/* For now, this method is only used while designing and not loading */
if (context == Design) {
if (newStimuli) {
FunctionalBlock* newOne = params->getGraph()->createStimuliBlock(ref, true);
- scene->createStimuliItem(newOne);
+ StimuliItem* item = scene->createStimuliItem(newOne);
+ QHashIterator<QString,int> iter(clkRstToGen);
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ AbstractInterface* iface = newOne->getIfaceFromName(iter.key());
+ if (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Clock) {
+ connectStimuliItemClock(context,item,iface->getName(),iter.value());
+ }
+ else if (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Reset) {
+ connectStimuliItemReset(context,item,iface->getName(),iter.value());
+ }
+ }
else {
FunctionalBlock* newOne = params->getGraph()->createFunctionalBlock(group, ref, true);
// creating the box item
- item = scene->createBoxItem(newOne);
- if (params->autoConnMainClk) {
- // for now just use the first one
- QHashIterator<QString,int> iter(clkRstToGen);
- while (iter.hasNext()) {
- AbstractInterface* iface = newOne->getIfaceFromName(iter.key());
- if (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Clock) {
- newOne->connectClock(iface->getName(), iter.value());
- }
- else if (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Reset) {
- newOne->connectReset(iface->getName(), iter.value());
- }
+ BoxItem* item = scene->createBoxItem(newOne);
+ QHashIterator<QString,int> iter(clkRstToGen);
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ AbstractInterface* iface = newOne->getIfaceFromName(iter.key());
+ if (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Clock) {
+ connectBoxItemClock(context,item,iface->getName(),iter.value());
+ }
+ else if (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Reset) {
+ connectBoxItemReset(context,item,iface->getName(),iter.value());
params->unsaveModif = true;
- return item;
void Dispatcher::addClkRstGenBlock(Context context, double frequency) {
cout << "call to " << qPrintable(fctName) << endl;
- bool createIfaces = true;
- if (context == Load) {
- createIfaces = false;
- }
+ Graph* graph = NULL;
// creating the graph and thus, the topgroup
- Graph* graph = params->initGraph(createIfaces);
- graph->addClock(mainClock);
+ if (context == Design) {
+ graph = params->initGraph(true);
+ graph->addClock(mainClock);
+ }
+ else if (context == Load) {
+ graph = params->initGraph(false);
+ }
// get the top group
GroupBlock *topBlock = graph->getTopGroup();
// creating the top group widget
+void Dispatcher::connectBoxItemClock(Context context, BoxItem *item, QString clkName, int idGen) throw(Exception) {
+ InterfaceItem* fromIfaceItemClk = NULL;
+ InterfaceItem* toIfaceItemClk = item->searchInterfaceItemByName(clkName);
+ GroupItem* parentGroup = item->getScene()->getGroupItem();
+ BoxItem* clkrstItem = NULL;
+ if (parentGroup->getRefBlock()->isTopGroupBlock()) {
+ QString genName = "clkrstgen_" + QString::number(idGen);
+ clkrstItem = item->getScene()->searchBoxItemByName(genName);
+ if (clkrstItem == NULL) {
+ throw(Exception(IFACE_TOP_NOCLKRSTGEN));
+ }
+ else {
+ fromIfaceItemClk = clkrstItem->searchInterfaceItemByName("clk");
+ }
+ cout << "connecting clock of " << qPrintable(item->getRefBlock()->getName()) << " to clk of " << qPrintable(genName) << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ // searching for ext_clk_idGen
+ QString name = "ext_clk_"+QString::number(idGen);
+ fromIfaceItemClk = parentGroup->searchInterfaceItemByName(name);
+ cout << "connecting clock of " << qPrintable(item->getRefBlock()->getName()) << " to " << qPrintable(name) << " of parent group " << qPrintable(parentGroup->getRefBlock()->getName()) << endl;
+ }
+ if (fromIfaceItemClk == NULL) {
+ throw(Exception(IFACE_GROUP_NOCLKRST));
+ }
+ else {
+ createConnection(context, fromIfaceItemClk, toIfaceItemClk, false);
+ cout << "connection done." << endl;
+ }
+void Dispatcher::connectBoxItemReset(Context context, BoxItem *item, QString rstName, int idGen) throw(Exception) {
+ InterfaceItem* fromIfaceItemRst = NULL;
+ InterfaceItem* toIfaceItemRst = item->searchInterfaceItemByName(rstName);
+ GroupItem* parentGroup = item->getScene()->getGroupItem();
+ BoxItem* clkrstItem = NULL;
+ if (parentGroup->getRefBlock()->isTopGroupBlock()) {
+ QString genName = "clkrstgen_" + QString::number(idGen);
+ clkrstItem = item->getScene()->searchBoxItemByName(genName);
+ if (clkrstItem == NULL) {
+ throw(Exception(IFACE_TOP_NOCLKRSTGEN));
+ }
+ else {
+ fromIfaceItemRst = clkrstItem->searchInterfaceItemByName("reset");
+ }
+ cout << "connecting reset of " << qPrintable(item->getRefBlock()->getName()) << " to reset of " << qPrintable(genName) << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ // searching for ext_rst_idGen
+ QString name = "ext_rst_"+QString::number(idGen);
+ fromIfaceItemRst = parentGroup->searchInterfaceItemByName(name);
+ cout << "connecting reset of " << qPrintable(item->getRefBlock()->getName()) << " to " << qPrintable(name) << " of parent group " << qPrintable(parentGroup->getRefBlock()->getName()) << endl;
+ }
+ if (fromIfaceItemRst == NULL) {
+ throw(Exception(IFACE_GROUP_NOCLKRST));
+ }
+ else {
+ createConnection(context, fromIfaceItemRst, toIfaceItemRst, false);
+ cout << "connection done." << endl;
+ }
+void Dispatcher::connectStimuliItemClock(Context context, StimuliItem *item, QString clkName, int idGen) throw(Exception) {
+ InterfaceItem* fromIfaceItemClk = NULL;
+ InterfaceItem* toIfaceItemClk = item->searchInterfaceItemByName(clkName);
+ BoxItem* clkrstItem = NULL;
+ QString genName = "clkrstgen_" + QString::number(idGen);
+ clkrstItem = item->getScene()->searchBoxItemByName(genName);
+ if (clkrstItem == NULL) {
+ throw(Exception(IFACE_TOP_NOCLKRSTGEN));
+ }
+ else {
+ fromIfaceItemClk = clkrstItem->searchInterfaceItemByName("clk");
+ }
+ cout << "connecting clock of " << qPrintable(item->getRefBlock()->getName()) << " to clock of " << qPrintable(genName) << endl;
+ if (fromIfaceItemClk == NULL) {
+ throw(Exception(IFACE_GROUP_NOCLKRST));
+ }
+ else {
+ createConnection(context, fromIfaceItemClk, toIfaceItemClk, false);
+ cout << "connection done." << endl;
+ }
+void Dispatcher::connectStimuliItemReset(Context context, StimuliItem *item, QString rstName, int idGen) throw(Exception) {
+ InterfaceItem* fromIfaceItemRst = NULL;
+ InterfaceItem* toIfaceItemRst = item->searchInterfaceItemByName(rstName);
+ BoxItem* clkrstItem = NULL;
+ QString genName = "clkrstgen_" + QString::number(idGen);
+ clkrstItem = item->getScene()->searchBoxItemByName(genName);
+ if (clkrstItem == NULL) {
+ throw(Exception(IFACE_TOP_NOCLKRSTGEN));
+ }
+ else {
+ fromIfaceItemRst = clkrstItem->searchInterfaceItemByName("reset");
+ }
+ cout << "connecting reset of " << qPrintable(item->getRefBlock()->getName()) << " to reset of " << qPrintable(genName) << endl;
+ if (fromIfaceItemRst == NULL) {
+ throw(Exception(IFACE_GROUP_NOCLKRST));
+ }
+ else {
+ createConnection(context, fromIfaceItemRst, toIfaceItemRst, false);
+ cout << "connection done." << endl;
+ }
void Dispatcher::showBlocksLibrary(){
cout << "showing block library" << endl;