public: \r
- AbstractBlock(const QString& _name);\r
+ //AbstractBlock(const QString& _name);\r
virtual ~AbstractBlock();\r
// getters\r
inline QList<BlockParameter *> getParameters() { return params; }\r
inline QList<AbstractInterface*> getInputs() { return inputs; }\r
inline QList<AbstractInterface*> getOutputs() { return outputs; }\r
- inline QList<AbstractInterface*> getBidirs() { return bidirs; }\r
+ inline QList<AbstractInterface*> getBidirs() { return bidirs; } \r
QList<BlockParameter *> getUserParameters();\r
QList<BlockParameter *> getGenericParameters();\r
QList<BlockParameter *> getPortParameters();\r
QList<BlockParameter *> getWishboneParameters();\r
inline AbstractBlock* getParent() { return parent; }\r
inline bool getPatternComputed() { return patternComputed; }\r
+ inline int getTraversalLevel() { return traversalLevel; }\r
// setters\r
void setName(const QString& str);\r
virtual void setParent(AbstractBlock* _parent);\r
inline void setPatternComputed(bool state) { patternComputed = state; }\r
+ inline void resetTraversalLevel() { traversalLevel = -1; }\r
+ inline void setTraversalLevel(int level) { traversalLevel = level; }\r
// testers\r
virtual bool isReferenceBlock();\r
bool isWBConfigurable();\r
// others\r
+ static QString normalizeName(const QString& name);\r
+ void connectClkReset() throw(Exception);\r
virtual void parametersValidation(QList<AbstractBlock*>* checkedBlocks, QList<AbstractBlock*>* blocksToConfigure) = 0; // ugly but usefull \r
void addParameter(BlockParameter *param);\r
BlockParameter* getParameterFromName(QString name);\r
// patterns\r
- virtual bool computeOutputPattern(int nbExec = -1) = 0;\r
+ virtual void checkInputPatternCompatibility() throw(Exception) = 0;\r
+ virtual void computeOutputPattern(int nbExec = -1) throw(Exception) = 0;\r
+ virtual void computeAdmittanceDelays() throw(Exception) = 0;\r
// patterns \r
bool patternComputed;\r
+ int traversalLevel; // the level (0, 1, ...) during the traversal of the graph\r
// NB: only GroupBlock and FunctionalBlock have a real parent, except sources that have no parents\r
AbstractBlock* parent;\r
#endif // __ABSTRACTBLOCK_H__\r