+ void appendToPattern(const QMap<AbstractInterface*, QList<char>* >& patternSrc, int srcCol, QMap<AbstractInterface*, QList<char>* > patternDest, int nbCols);\r
+ /*!\r
+ * \brief removeDataGroup\r
+ * \param pattern the pattern for which a column is removed\r
+ * \param offset the index of the column to remove \r
+ */\r
+ void removeDataGroup(QMap<AbstractInterface*, QList<char>* >& pattern, int offset);\r
+ /*!\r
+ * \brief isValidGroup\r
+ * \param pattern the pattern to test\r
+ * \param offset the column to test\r
+ * isValidGroup checks if there is at least one 1 in the column offset of pattern.\r
+ */\r
+ bool isValidDataGroup(const QMap<AbstractInterface*, QList<char>* >& pattern, int offset);\r
+ bool isValidDataGroup(const QMap<AbstractInterface*, QList<char>* >& pattern, const QList<int> offsets);\r
+ /*!\r
+ * \brief isOnlyXGroup\r
+ * \param pattern the pattern to test\r
+ * \param offset the column to test\r
+ * isOnlyXGroup checks if there is only X in the column offset of pattern.\r
+ */\r
+ bool isOnlyXDataGroup(const QMap<AbstractInterface*, QList<char>* >& pattern, int offset);\r
+ /*!\r
+ * \brief shifRightPattern\r
+ * \param pattern the pattern to shift\r
+ * \param offset the column where to shift\r
+ * shiftRightPattern insert a null colmun in pattern, which leads to shift right the pattern at offset.\r
+ * this method is used during admittance generation\r
+ */\r
+ void shiftRightPattern(const QMap<AbstractInterface*, QList<char>* >& pattern, int offset);\r
+ void generateComments(QTextStream& out, QDomElement &elt, QString coreFile) throw(Exception); // generates comments from <comments> element\r
+ void generateLibraries(QTextStream& out, QDomElement &elt) throw(Exception); // generates libraries from <libraries> element\r
+ void generateArchitecture(QTextStream& out, QDomElement &elt ) throw(Exception); // generate the architecture using <architecture> element\r
+ void generateController(QTextStream& out) throw(Exception); // generate the wishbone controller of the block\r
+ void generateEntityOrComponentBody(QTextStream& out, int indentLevel, bool hasController=false) throw(Exception); // generate the entity/compo body using reference\r
+ QMap<AbstractInterface*, QList<char>* > consumptionPattern;\r
+ QMap<AbstractInterface*, QString > admittanceCyclic; // the admittance expressed as prologue-cyclic part-epilogue, deduced from admittance\r
+ QMap<AbstractInterface*, QList<char>* > admittance; // the admittance taking into account nb exec.\r
+ QMap<AbstractInterface*, QList<int>* > admittanceDelays; // the delay between what should be consumed and IP\r
+ QMap<AbstractInterface*, QList<char>* > productionPattern;\r
+ QMap<AbstractInterface*,QList<char>* > inputPattern;\r
+ QMap<AbstractInterface*, QList<char>* > outputPattern; // CAUTION: the QList<char>* must also be stored in the outputPattern attributes of AbstractInterface\r
+ QList<int> productionCounter; // only usefull for control output interfaces\r
+ QList<int> triggers; // the clock cycles at which the block is triggered, taking into account IP\r
+ int lengthIP; // for convenience, set in createInputPattern()\r
+ int lengthCP; // for convenience, set in createConsumptionPattern()\r
+ int lengthAP; // for convenience, set in createAdmittance()\r
+ int lengthPP; // for convenience, set in createProductionPattern()\r
+ int lengthOP; // for convenience, set in computeOutputPattern()\r
+ int delta;\r
+ \r