enum ParamWBAccess { Read = 1, Write = 2};\r
enum ParamWBDuration { Permanent = 1, Trigger = 2 };\r
- enum ParamVHDLContext { Entity = 1, Component = 2, Architecture = 3 }; // NB : 3 is when creating an instance of the block that owns this iface\r
+ enum ParamVHDLContext { Entity = 1, Component = 2, Instance = 3 }; // NB : 3 is when creating an instance of the block that owns this iface\r
enum ParamVHDLFlags { NoComma = 1 };\r
virtual QVariant getValue(); // may be overriden\r
int getIntValue(bool* ok);\r
double getDoubleValue(bool* ok);\r
- bool getBooleanValue(bool* ok); \r
+ bool getBooleanValue(bool* ok);\r
QString getStringValue();\r
virtual QString getContext() = 0;\r