class FunctionalBlock : public AbstractBlock {\r
- FunctionalBlock(GroupBlock* _parent, ReferenceBlock* _reference) throw(Exception);\r
+ FunctionalBlock(GroupBlock* _parent, ReferenceBlock* _reference, bool createIfaces = true) throw(Exception);\r
// getters\r
inline ReferenceBlock* getReference() { return reference; }\r
// others\r
void populate(); // create parameters and interface from reference block\r
+ QList<QString> getExternalResources();\r
void generateVHDL(const QString& path) throw(Exception); // main entry to generate the VHDL code \r
+ QString getIfaceUserName(AbstractInterface* refIface); // get iface name from reference interface\r
void parametersValidation(QList<AbstractBlock *> *checkedBlocks, QList<AbstractBlock*>* blocksToConfigure);\r