+ // generate type for delays, if needed.
+ QList<int> modWidth;
+ foreach(AbstractBlock* block, blocks) {
+ QList<AbstractInterface*> listCtlInputs = block->getControlInputs();
+ foreach(AbstractInterface* iface, listCtlInputs) {
+ ConnectedInterface* connCtlIface = AI_TO_CON(iface);
+ AbstractInputModifier* modifier = connCtlIface->getInputModifier();
+ if (modifier != NULL) {
+ ConnectedInterface* connIface = AI_TO_CON(connCtlIface->getAssociatedIface());
+ int w = connIface->getWidth();
+ if (w == -1) throw(Exception(INVALID_VALUE));
+ if (!modWidth.contains(w)) {
+ modWidth.append(w);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (modWidth.size() > 0) {
+ out << " -- types for modified inputs" << endl;
+ out << " type vector_of_std_logic is array (natural range <>) of std_logic;" << endl;
+ foreach(int w, modWidth) {
+ QString mw = "";
+ mw.setNum(w);
+ QString mwm1 = "";
+ mwm1.setNum(w-1);
+ out << " type vector_of_std_logic_vector"<< mw << " is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(" << mwm1 << " downto 0);" << endl;
+ }
+ out << endl;
+ }