inline int getSpecialType() { return specialType; }\r
inline QString getVersion() { return version; }\r
inline int nbParameters() { return params.size(); }\r
- inline QList<BlockParameter *> getParameters() { return params; }\r
inline QList<AbstractInterface*> getInputs() { return inputs; }\r
inline QList<AbstractInterface*> getOutputs() { return outputs; }\r
inline QList<AbstractInterface*> getBidirs() { return bidirs; } \r
+ QList<AbstractInterface *> getInterfaces(int direction = AbstractInterface::AnyDirection, int purpose = AbstractInterface::AnyPurpose);\r
+ QList<AbstractInterface *> getDataInputs(); //! return all inputs of type data\r
+ QList<AbstractInterface *> getDataOutputs(); //! return all inputs of type data\r
+ QList<AbstractInterface *> getControlInputs(); //! return all inputs of type control\r
+ QList<AbstractInterface *> getControlOutputs(); //! return all outputs of type control\r
+ AbstractInterface* getIfaceFromName(QString name);\r
+ inline QList<BlockParameter *> getParameters() { return params; }\r
+ BlockParameter* getParameterFromName(QString name);\r
QList<BlockParameter *> getUserParameters();\r
QList<BlockParameter *> getGenericParameters();\r
QList<BlockParameter *> getPortParameters();\r
QList<BlockParameter *> getWishboneParameters();\r
inline AbstractBlock* getParent() { return parent; }\r
inline bool getOutputPatternComputed() { return outputPatternComputed; }\r
inline int getTraversalLevel() { return traversalLevel; }\r
void removeAllInterfaces();\r
void defineBlockParam(BlockParameter *param);\r
- QList<AbstractInterface *> getInterfaces(int direction = AbstractInterface::AnyDirection, int purpose = AbstractInterface::AnyPurpose);\r
- QList<AbstractInterface *> getDataInputs(); //! return all inputs of type data\r
- QList<AbstractInterface *> getDataOutputs(); //! return all inputs of type data\r
- QList<AbstractInterface *> getControlInputs(); //! return all inputs of type control\r
- QList<AbstractInterface *> getControlOutputs(); //! return all outputs of type control\r
- AbstractInterface* getIfaceFromName(QString name);\r
- BlockParameter* getParameterFromName(QString name);\r
// patterns\r
virtual void checkInputPatternCompatibility() throw(Exception) = 0;\r