#include "FunctionalBlock.h"\r
#include "GroupBlock.h"\r
FunctionalInterface::FunctionalInterface(AbstractBlock* _owner, ReferenceInterface *_reference) throw(Exception) : ConnectedInterface(_owner) {\r
if (_owner == NULL) throw(Exception(BLOCK_NULL));\r
- iface type must be functional or group interface\r
- iface->connectedFrom must be NULL\r
- valid cases:\r
+ valid "normal" cases:\r
1 - iface is owned by a block (group or func) that is within the same group as the block that own this\r
1.1 - this is output and iface is input\r
1.2 - both are inout\r
2.2 - both are inout\r
3 - this is owned by a source block and iface is owned by the top group\r
+ special case : clk/reset from clkrstgen can connect to stimuli clk/reset\r
if (direction == Input) return false;\r
if (iface->isReferenceInterface()) return false;\r
ConnectedInterface* connIface = AI_TO_CON(iface);\r
if (connIface->getConnectedFrom() != NULL) return false;\r
+ // special case\r
+ if ((getOwner()->getName().startsWith("clkrstgen")) && (iface->getOwner()->isStimuliBlock())) {\r
+ if ((direction == Output) && (iface->getDirection() == Input)) {\r
+ if ((purpose == AbstractInterface::Clock) && (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Clock)) return true;\r
+ else if ((purpose == AbstractInterface::Reset) && (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Reset)) return true;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
// first case: interface of blocks within the same group\r
if (getOwner()->getParent() == iface->getOwner()->getParent()) {\r
2 - iface is owned by the parent group of the block that owns this\r
2.1 - this is an input, iface is an input of the group\r
2.2 - both are inout\r
+ special case : clk/reset of stimuli can connect from clk/reset of clkrstgen\r
if (direction == Output) return false;\r
if (iface->isReferenceInterface()) return false;\r
if (connectedFrom != NULL) return false;\r
+ // special case\r
+ if ((iface->getOwner()->getName().startsWith("clkrstgen")) && (getOwner()->isStimuliBlock())) {\r
+ if ((direction == Input) && (iface->getDirection() == Output)) {\r
+ if ((purpose == AbstractInterface::Clock) && (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Clock)) return true;\r
+ else if ((purpose == AbstractInterface::Reset) && (iface->getPurpose() == AbstractInterface::Reset)) return true;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
if (getOwner()->getParent() == iface->getOwner()->getParent()) {\r
if ((direction == Input) && (iface->getDirection() == Output) && (purpose == iface->getPurpose())) return true;\r
return false;\r
+int FunctionalInterface::getClockDomain() throw(Exception) {\r
+ int idClock = -1;\r
+ FunctionalInterface* iface = NULL;\r
+ if (clkIfaceType == ClockName) {\r
+ iface = AI_TO_FUN(getClockIface());\r
+ }\r
+ else if ((direction == Input) && (purpose == Clock)) {\r
+ iface = this;\r
+ }\r
+ if ( iface != NULL) {\r
+ // if iface is a functional interface, it is connected to clkrstgen_X (in top group) or to ext_clk_X (in subgroup)\r
+ ConnectedInterface* connFrom = iface->getConnectedFrom();\r
+ if (connFrom == NULL) throw(Exception(IFACE_INVALID_CLKFREQ,this));\r
+ if (connFrom->getOwner()->isFunctionalBlock()) {\r
+ QString name = connFrom->getOwner()->getName();\r
+ cout << "conn from clkrstgen: searching for clkdomain in " << qPrintable(name) << endl;\r
+ name.remove(0,10);\r
+ bool ok;\r
+ idClock = name.toInt(&ok);\r
+ if (!ok) throw(Exception(IFACE_INVALID_CLKFREQ,this));\r
+ }\r
+ else {\r
+ QString name = connFrom->getName();\r
+ cout << "conn from group: searching for clkdomain in " << qPrintable(name) << endl;\r
+ name.remove(0,8);\r
+ bool ok;\r
+ idClock = name.toInt(&ok);\r
+ if (!ok) throw(Exception(IFACE_INVALID_CLKFREQ,this));\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ return idClock;\r
void FunctionalInterface::connectionsValidation(QStack<AbstractInterface *> *interfacetoValidate, QList<AbstractInterface *> *validatedInterfaces) throw(Exception) {\r