#include "FunctionalBlock.h"
#include "SpecialBlock.h"
-Graph::Graph(bool createTopGroupIface) {
- topGroup = new GroupBlock(NULL, createTopGroupIface);
- topGroup->setName("top group");
- groups.append(topGroup);
+Graph::Graph() {
+ topGroup = NULL;
Graph::~Graph() {
delete topGroup;
+void Graph::createTopGroup(bool createTopGroupIfaces) {
+ topGroup = new GroupBlock(this, NULL, createTopGroupIfaces);
+ topGroup->setName("top group");
+ groups.append(topGroup);
QList<AbstractInterface *> Graph::getOutsideInterfaces() {
return topGroup->getInterfaces();
GroupBlock* Graph::createChildGroupBlock(GroupBlock* parent, bool createGroupIface) {
- GroupBlock* b = new GroupBlock(parent, createGroupIface);
+ GroupBlock* b = new GroupBlock(this, parent, createGroupIface);
return b;
FunctionalBlock* Graph::createFunctionalBlock(GroupBlock* group, ReferenceBlock* ref, bool createIfaces) {
FunctionalBlock* newBlock = NULL;
- if (ref->getSpecialType() != -1) {
- newBlock = new SpecialBlock(ref->getSpecialType(), group,ref, createIfaces);
+ if (ref->getSpecialType() != SpecialBlock::NotSpecial) {
+ cout << "Graph: create special block from " << qPrintable(ref->getName()) << endl;
+ newBlock = new SpecialBlock(this, ref->getSpecialType(), group,ref, createIfaces);
else {
- newBlock = new FunctionalBlock(group,ref, createIfaces);
+ cout << "Graph: create normal block from " << qPrintable(ref->getName()) << endl;
+ newBlock = new FunctionalBlock(this, group,ref, createIfaces);
FunctionalBlock* Graph::createStimuliBlock(ReferenceBlock* ref, bool createIfaces) {
/* A stimuli block is always a special block with idSpecial = 1 */
- FunctionalBlock* newBlock = new SpecialBlock(AbstractBlock::Source, NULL,ref, createIfaces);
+ FunctionalBlock* newBlock = new SpecialBlock(this, AbstractBlock::Source, NULL,ref, createIfaces);
return newBlock;
void Graph::generateVHDL(const QString &path) throw(Exception) {
+ // generating VHDL for stimulis
+ cout << "generating stimulis" << endl;
+ try {
+ foreach(FunctionalBlock* stimuli, stimulis) {
+ stimuli->generateVHDL(path);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e) {
+ throw(e);
+ }
+ // generating VHDL for top group
+ cout << "generating top group" << endl;
try {
+void Graph::generateTestbench(const QString &projectName, const QString &benchFile) throw(Exception) {
+ QFile vhdlBench(benchFile);
+ if (!vhdlBench.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
+ throw(Exception(VHDLFILE_NOACCESS));
+ }
+ cout << "generate testbench" << endl;
+ QTextStream out(&vhdlBench);
+ out << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
+ out << "-- testbench for " << projectName << endl;
+ out << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;
+ out << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
+ out << "-- clock generator" << endl;
+ out << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;
+ out << "library IEEE;" << endl;
+ out << "use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;" << endl;
+ out << "use IEEE.numeric_std.all;" << endl;
+ out << "entity clock_gen is" << endl;
+ out << " generic (" << endl;
+ out << " Tps : time -- high level width : must be < period" << endl;
+ out << " );" << endl;
+ out << " port (" << endl;
+ out << " phase : out std_logic" << endl;
+ out << " );" << endl;
+ out << "end entity clock_gen;" << endl<< endl;
+ out << "architecture clock_gen_1 of clock_gen is" << endl;
+ out << " constant period : time := 2*Tps;" << endl;
+ out << "begin" << endl;
+ out << " clock_process : process" << endl;
+ out << " begin" << endl;
+ out << " phase <= '1', '0' after Tps;" << endl;
+ out << " wait for period;" << endl;
+ out << " end process clock_process;" << endl;
+ out << "end architecture clock_gen_1;" << endl << endl;
+ out << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
+ out << "-- testbench" << endl;
+ out << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;
+ out << "library IEEE;" << endl;
+ out << "use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;" << endl;
+ out << "use IEEE.numeric_std.all;" << endl;
+ out << "entity " << projectName << "_tb is" << endl;
+ out << "end entity " << projectName << "_tb;" << endl << endl;
+ out << "architecture " << projectName << "_tb_1 of " << projectName << "_tb is" << endl << endl;
+ out << " component clock_gen" << endl;
+ out << " generic (" << endl;
+ out << " Tps : time" << endl;
+ out << " );" << endl;
+ out << " port (" << endl;
+ out << " phase : out std_logic" << endl;
+ out << " );" << endl;
+ out << " end component;" << endl << endl;
+ topGroup->generateComponent(out,false);
+ vhdlBench.close();
QList<QString> Graph::getExternalResources() {
QList<QString> list = topGroup->getExternalResources();
return list;