<block_impl ref_name="clkdomain_convert_1024x8.xml" ref_md5="">
<author mail="sdomas@univ-fcomte.fr" lastname="domas" firstname="stephane"/>
- <date creation="2018-04-13"/>
- <related_files list=""/>
- <description>This IP allows to pass 8 bits values from a clock domain to another. It uses a FIFO of 1024 entries.
- <notes>This IP allows to pass 8 bits values from a clock domain to another. It uses a FIFO of 1024 entries.</notes>
+ <log creation="2018-05-02">
+ </log>
+ <notes>
+ </notes>
<library name="ieee">
clkdconvert_1024x8_1 : clkdconvert_1024x8
port map (
rst => @{reset},
-wr_clk => @{clk_wr},
-rd_clk => @{clk_rd},
+wr_clk => @{clk_in},
+rd_clk => @{clk_out},
din => @{data_in},
wr_en => @{data_in_enb},
rd_en => rd_en,
rd_en <= not empty;
-read_fifo : process(@{clk_rd}, @{reset})
+read_fifo : process(@{clk_out}, @{reset})
if @{reset} = '1' then
@{data_out_enb} <= '0';
-elsif rising_edge(@{clk_rd}) then
+elsif rising_edge(@{clk_out}) then
@{data_out_enb} <= '0';
if empty = '0' then
@{data_out_enb} <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process read_fifo;
-end architecture clkdomain_convert_1024x8_1;
<delta value="1"/>