+ // patterns \r
+ bool isValidDataGroup(char** pattern, int nbPorts, int clock);\r
+ double evaluateExpression(const QString& expression, bool* ok);\r
+ QList<char> expandPattern(const QString& pattern, bool* ok);\r
+ QList<char> expandPatternRecur(const QString& pattern, int* offset, bool* ok);\r
+ /*!\r
+ * \brief combinePatterns\r
+ * \param patternSrc the pattern that must be combined with patternDest (patternDest = patternDest OR patternSrc) \r
+ * \param srcCol the column index within patternSrc\r
+ * \param patternDest the pattern that is modified by the combination (patternDest = patternDest OR patternSrc)\r
+ * \param destClock the column index within patternDest\r
+ * \param nbCols the numer of columns to combine\r
+ * \param nbPorts the number of rows in both patterns\r
+ * BEWARE: no check is done if nbCols is consistent with the real length of both patterns, thus an access outside\r
+ * the patterns is possible.\r
+ */\r
+ void combinePatterns(char** patternSrc, int srcCol, char** patternDest, int destCol, int nbCols, int nbPorts );\r
+ QList<int> productionCounter; //! only usefull for output interfaces\r
+ int delta;\r
+ \r
+ char** consumptionPattern;\r
+ int nbConsumingPorts;\r
+ int lengthCP;\r
+ char** productionPattern;\r
+ int nbProducingPorts;\r
+ int lengthPP;\r
+ ArithmeticEvaluator* evaluator;\r
+ \r