- foreach(AbstractInterface* iface, getControlOutputs()) {
- iface->setOutputPattern(iface->getConnectedFrom()->getOutputPattern());
+ while (!fifo.isEmpty()) {
+ AbstractBlock* block = fifo.takeFirst();
+ if (block->getPatternComputed()) continue; // block has already been processed
+ try {
+ block->checkInputPatternCompatibility();
+ }
+ catch(Exception e) {
+ cout << qPrintable(block->getName()) << " is not compatible with his input pattern" << endl;
+ throw(e);
+ }
+ compatible = true;
+ try {
+ block->computeOutputPattern();
+ }
+ catch(Exception e) {
+ cout << "cannot finalize output pattern computation of " << qPrintable(block->getName()) << endl;
+ throw(e);
+ }
+ canCompute = true;
+ block->setPatternComputed(true);
+ // add other blocks connected from block to the fifo
+ foreach(AbstractInterface* iface, block->getControlOutputs()) {
+ ConnectedInterface* conn = (ConnectedInterface*)iface;
+ foreach(ConnectedInterface* connTo, conn->getConnectedTo()) {
+ /* if connTo is owned by a functional block
+ or by a group block that is within this, add the block to the fifo.
+ */
+ if (connTo->getOwner()->isFunctionalBlock()) {
+ fifo.append(connTo->getOwner());
+ }
+ else if (connTo->getOwner() != this) {
+ fifo.append(connTo->getOwner());
+ }
+ }
+ }