#include "ConnectedInterface.h"
#include "GroupScene.h"
#include "ParametersWindow.h"
+#include "GroupBlock.h"
+#include "GroupInterface.h"
GroupItem::GroupItem(BoxItem *_parentItem,
cout << "pos in scene: " << x() << "," << y() << endl;
+GroupItem::GroupItem(Dispatcher *_dispatcher,Parameters *_params) throw(Exception) :AbstractBoxItem(_dispatcher, _params) {
+ parentItem = NULL;
+ rectTitle = QRectF(0,-(nameHeight+2*nameMargin),nameWidth+2*nameMargin,nameHeight+2*nameMargin);
+ selected = false;
+ setZValue(-100);
+ setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable | QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable | QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsGeometryChanges);
+ updateGeometry(InterfaceMove);
+ QPointF initPos = QPointF(0.0,0.0) - originPoint;
+ setPos(initPos);
+ cout << "total size of group: " << totalWidth << "," << totalHeight << endl;
+ cout << "pos in scene: " << x() << "," << y() << endl;
GroupItem::~GroupItem() {
// since the reference block is nowhere referenced except in this class, it must be deleted here
delete refBlock;
return parentItem;
+void GroupItem::setParentItem(BoxItem *_parentItem) {
+ parentItem = _parentItem;
+ if (parentItem != NULL) {
+ parentItem->setChildGroupItem(this);
+ }
void GroupItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) {
if(boxWidth > 0 && boxHeight > 0){
return NULL;
+void GroupItem::load(QDomElement groupElement) throw(Exception) {
+ GroupBlock* groupBlock = AB_TO_GRP(refBlock);
+ bool ok = false;
+ int id = groupElement.attribute("id","none").toInt(&ok);
+ if(!ok) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ QString nameStr = groupElement.attribute("name","none");
+ if(nameStr == "none") throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ QStringList positionStr = groupElement.attribute("position","none").split(",");
+ if(positionStr.length() != 2) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ int posX = positionStr.at(0).toInt(&ok);
+ if(!ok) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ int posY = positionStr.at(1).toInt(&ok);
+ if(!ok) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ QStringList dimensionStr = groupElement.attribute("dimension","none").split(",");
+ if(dimensionStr.length() != 2) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ int dimX = dimensionStr.at(0).toInt(&ok);
+ if(!ok) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ int dimY = dimensionStr.at(1).toInt(&ok);
+ if(!ok) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ setId(id);
+ setPos(posX,posY);
+ setDimension(dimX,dimY);
+ groupBlock->setName(nameStr);
+ cout << "group info : \n-id : " << id << "\n-pos : " << posX << ", " << posY << "\n-dim : " << dimX << ", " << dimY << "\n-name : " << nameStr.toStdString() << endl;
+ QDomNodeList interfaces = groupElement.elementsByTagName("group_iface");
+ for(int j=0; j<interfaces.length(); j++){
+ QDomElement currentInterfaceNode = interfaces.at(j).toElement();
+ int id = currentInterfaceNode.attribute("id","none").toInt(&ok);
+ if(!ok) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ QString name = currentInterfaceNode.attribute("name","none");
+ if(name == "none") throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ QString levelStr = currentInterfaceNode.attribute("level","none");
+ int level = AbstractInterface::getIntLevel(levelStr);
+ if(level == -1) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ QString directionStr = currentInterfaceNode.attribute("direction","none");
+ int direction = AbstractInterface::getIntDirection(directionStr);
+ if(direction == -1) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ QString orientationStr = currentInterfaceNode.attribute("orientation","none");
+ int orientation = InterfaceItem::getIntOrientation(orientationStr);
+ if(orientation == -1) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ double position = currentInterfaceNode.attribute("position","none").toDouble(&ok);
+ if(!ok) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ GroupInterface *groupInterface = new GroupInterface(groupBlock,name,direction,level);
+ InterfaceItem *interfaceItem = new InterfaceItem(position,orientation,groupInterface,this,params);
+ interfaceItem->setId(id);
+ groupBlock->addInterface(groupInterface);
+ addInterface(interfaceItem, false);
+ cout << "interface add to " << groupBlock->getName().toStdString() << endl;
+ }
void GroupItem::save(QXmlStreamWriter &writer) {