#include "ReferenceBlock.h"
#include "ParametersWindow.h"
#include "BlockParameter.h"
+#include "Graph.h"
BoxItem::BoxItem(AbstractBlock *_refBlock,
Dispatcher *_dispatcher,
- Parameters *_params, GroupItem *parent) throw(Exception) : AbstractBoxItem( _refBlock, _dispatcher, _params, parent) {
+ Parameters *_params, GroupItem *parent, int _lock, SpanType _span, Position _position) throw(Exception) : AbstractBoxItem( _refBlock, _dispatcher, _params, _lock, parent) {
/* NOTE :
_refBlock : mandatory a FunctionalBlock or a GroupBlock
- if (_refBlock->isReferenceBlock()) throw(Exception(BLOCK_INVALID_TYPE));
+ if (_refBlock->isReferenceBlock()) throw(Exception(BLOCK_INVALID_TYPE));
+ span = _span;
+ position = _position;
childGroupItem = NULL;
//boxWidth = params->defaultBlockWidth;
selected = false;
- setFlags(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable | QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable | QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsGeometryChanges);
+ QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlags flags = QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable;
+ if (!isPositionLock()) {
+ flags |= QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable;
+ cout << "item " << qPrintable(refBlock->getName()) << "is movable" << endl;
+ }
+ if (!isDimensionLock()) {
+ flags |= QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsGeometryChanges;
+ cout << "item " << qPrintable(refBlock->getName()) << "is resizable" << endl;
+ }
+ setFlags(flags);
+ bool freeBorder[4]; // 0 = east, 1 = north, 2 = west, 3 = south
+ Parameters::Direction dirs[4];
+ for(int i=0;i<4;i++) {
+ freeBorder[i] = true;
+ }
+ dirs[0] = Parameters::East;
+ dirs[1] = Parameters::North;
+ dirs[2] = Parameters::West;
+ dirs[3] = Parameters::South;
- initInterfaces();
- updateGeometry(InterfaceMove);
- resetInterfacesPosition();
- QPointF initPos = QPointF(0.0,0.0) - originPoint;
+ if (position == Top) {
+ freeBorder[1] = false;
+ }
+ if (position == Bottom) {
+ freeBorder[3] = false;
+ }
+ if (position == Left) {
+ freeBorder[2] = false;
+ }
+ if (position == Right) {
+ freeBorder[0] = false;
+ }
+ if (span == HSpan) {
+ freeBorder[2] = false;
+ freeBorder[0] = false;
+ }
+ if (span == VSpan) {
+ freeBorder[1] = false;
+ freeBorder[3] = false;
+ }
+ Parameters::Direction dIn = Parameters::West;
+ Parameters::Direction dOut = Parameters::East;
+ Parameters::Direction dBi = Parameters::South;
+ if (freeBorder[2] == false) {
+ int i=3;
+ while (freeBorder[i] == false) {
+ i = (i+1)%4;
+ }
+ dIn = dirs[i];
+ }
+ if (freeBorder[0] == false) {
+ int i=1;
+ while (freeBorder[i] == false) {
+ i = (i+1)%4;
+ }
+ dOut = dirs[i];
+ }
+ if (freeBorder[3] == false) {
+ int i=0;
+ while (freeBorder[i] == false) {
+ i = (i+1)%4;
+ }
+ dBi = dirs[i];
+ }
+ createInterfaceItems(dIn,dOut,dBi);
+ updateGeometry(Creation);
+ // position the item
+ int groupWidth = getScene()->getGroupItem()->getWidth();
+ int groupHeight = getScene()->getGroupItem()->getHeight();
+ double xx = 0.0,yy = 0.0;
+ if ((position == BoxItem::Left) || (position == BoxItem::TopLeft) || (position == BoxItem::BottomLeft)) {
+ xx = 0;
+ if ((span == VSpan) || (position == BoxItem::TopLeft)) {
+ yy = 0;
+ }
+ else if (position == BoxItem::BottomLeft) {
+ yy = groupHeight-totalHeight;
+ }
+ else {
+ yy = (groupHeight-totalHeight)/2.0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((position == BoxItem::Right) || (position == BoxItem::TopRight) || (position == BoxItem::BottomRight)) {
+ xx = groupWidth-totalWidth;
+ if (xx < 0) xx = 0;
+ if ((span == VSpan) || (position == BoxItem::TopRight)) {
+ yy = 0;
+ }
+ else if (position == BoxItem::BottomRight) {
+ yy = groupHeight-totalHeight;
+ }
+ else {
+ yy = (groupHeight-totalHeight)/2.0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((position == BoxItem::Top) || (position == BoxItem::TopLeft) || (position == BoxItem::TopRight)) {
+ yy = 0;
+ if ((span == HSpan) || (position == BoxItem::TopLeft)) {
+ xx = 0;
+ }
+ else if (position == BoxItem::TopRight) {
+ xx = groupWidth-totalWidth;
+ }
+ else {
+ xx = (groupWidth-totalWidth)/2.0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((position == BoxItem::Bottom) || (position == BoxItem::BottomLeft) || (position == BoxItem::BottomRight)) {
+ yy = groupHeight-totalHeight;
+ if ((span == HSpan) || (position == BoxItem::BottomLeft)) {
+ xx = 0;
+ }
+ else if (position == BoxItem::BottomRight) {
+ xx = groupWidth-totalWidth;
+ }
+ else {
+ xx = (groupWidth-totalWidth)/2.0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ int marginConn = 2*(params->arrowWidth+params->arrowLineLength);
+ xx = (groupWidth-totalWidth)/2.0;
+ if (xx < marginConn) xx = marginConn;
+ yy = (groupHeight-totalHeight)/2.0;
+ if (yy < marginConn) yy = marginConn;
+ }
+ cout << "setting raw pos to " << xx << "," << yy << endl;
+ QPointF initPos(xx,yy);
+ initPos = initPos-originPoint;
+ cout << "total size of block: " << totalWidth << "," << totalHeight << endl;
+ cout << "pos in group: " << x() << "," << y() << endl;
+BoxItem::BoxItem(Dispatcher *_dispatcher, Parameters *_params, GroupItem *parent, int _lock, SpanType _span, Position _position) throw(Exception) : AbstractBoxItem(_dispatcher, _params, _lock, parent) {
+ span = _span;
+ position = _position;
+ refBlock = NULL;
+ childGroupItem = NULL;
+ currentBorder = NoBorder;
+ selected = false;
+ setZValue(100);
+ QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemFlags flags = QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable;
+ if (!isPositionLock()) {
+ flags |= QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable;
+ }
+ if (!isDimensionLock()) {
+ flags |= QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsGeometryChanges;
+ }
+ setFlags(flags);
+ boxWidth = params->defaultBlockWidth;
+ boxHeight = params->defaultBlockHeight;
+ //initInterfaces();
+ //updateGeometry(InterfaceMove);
+ //resetInterfacesPosition();
+ //QPointF initPos = QPointF(0.0,0.0) - originPoint;
+ //setPos(initPos);
//cout << "total size of block: " << totalWidth << "," << totalHeight << endl;
//cout << "pos in group: " << x() << "," << y() << endl;
BoxItem::~BoxItem() {
int ifaceHeight = 0;
foreach(InterfaceItem* iface, interfaces) {
- ifaceWidth = iface->getNameWidth();
- ifaceHeight = iface->getNameHeight();
- if (iface->getOrientation() == Parameters::South) {
- if (ifaceWidth > maxSouth) maxSouth = ifaceWidth;
- }
- else if (iface->getOrientation() == Parameters::North) {
- if (ifaceWidth > maxNorth) maxNorth = ifaceWidth;
- }
- else if (iface->getOrientation() == Parameters::East) {
- if (ifaceWidth > maxEast) maxEast = ifaceWidth;
- }
- else if (iface->getOrientation() == Parameters::West) {
- if (ifaceWidth > maxWest) maxWest = ifaceWidth;
+ if (iface->visible) {
+ ifaceWidth = iface->getNameWidth();
+ ifaceHeight = iface->getNameHeight();
+ if (iface->getOrientation() == Parameters::South) {
+ if (ifaceWidth > maxSouth) maxSouth = ifaceWidth;
+ }
+ else if (iface->getOrientation() == Parameters::North) {
+ if (ifaceWidth > maxNorth) maxNorth = ifaceWidth;
+ }
+ else if (iface->getOrientation() == Parameters::East) {
+ if (ifaceWidth > maxEast) maxEast = ifaceWidth;
+ }
+ else if (iface->getOrientation() == Parameters::West) {
+ if (ifaceWidth > maxWest) maxWest = ifaceWidth;
+ }
//cout << "current pos of block: " << currentPosition.x() << "," << currentPosition.y() << endl;
QPointF oldOrigin = originPoint;
QSize oldSize(totalWidth,totalHeight);
bool boxSizeChanged = false;
- // whatever the change, the minimum size may ahve changed
+ // whatever the change, the minimum size may have changed
- if (type == Resize) {
+ int groupWidth = getScene()->getGroupItem()->getWidth();
+ int groupHeight = getScene()->getGroupItem()->getHeight();
+ cout << "minimum box size is " << minimumBoxWidth << "x" << minimumBoxHeight << endl;
+ cout << "group size is " << groupWidth << "x" << groupHeight << endl;
+ if (type == Creation) {
+ boxSizeChanged = true;
+ boxWidth = minimumBoxWidth;
+ boxHeight = minimumBoxHeight;
+ /* reset and update interfaces positions
+ * in case of spanning, the interface are positionned
+ * only on free borders.
+ */
+ resetInterfaceItemsPosition();
+ /* must test if the GroupItem must be resized */
+ if ((span == HSpan) && (boxWidth < groupWidth)) {
+ boxWidth = groupWidth; // no interfaces in east/west (done in constructor)
+ }
+ else if ((span == VSpan) && (boxHeight < groupHeight)) {
+ boxHeight = groupHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (type == Resize) {
// resize implies to move interfaces and to update connections
boxSizeChanged = true;
+ updateInterfaceAndConnectionItems();
else if (type == InterfaceMove) {
// if an interface moves, it may change the box size
if (boxWidth < minimumBoxWidth) {
boxWidth = minimumBoxWidth;
boxSizeChanged = true;
+ updateInterfaceAndConnectionItems();
if (boxHeight < minimumBoxHeight) {
boxHeight = minimumBoxHeight;
boxSizeChanged = true;
+ updateInterfaceAndConnectionItems();
- if (boxSizeChanged) {
- updateInterfacesAndConnections();
- }
+ // update total size
double x = 0.0;
double y = 0.0;
totalWidth = boxWidth;
totalHeight = boxHeight;
QSizeF newSize(totalWidth,totalHeight);
+ cout << "change orig pos of " << qPrintable(refBlock->getName()) << "to " << x << "," << y << endl;
+ cout << "box size is " << boxWidth << "x" << boxHeight << endl;
+ cout << "total size is " << totalWidth << "x" << totalHeight << endl;
if ((boxSizeChanged) || (newSize != oldSize) || (originPoint != oldOrigin)) {
return false;
+void BoxItem::nameChanged() {
+ QFontMetrics fmId(params->defaultBlockFont);
+ nameWidth = fmId.width(refBlock->getName());
+ nameHeight = fmId.height();
+ if (updateGeometry(InterfaceMove)) {
+ //cout << "must recompute group item geometry" << endl;
+ (getScene()->getGroupItem())->updateShape();
+ }
+ // force the update in case of size has not changed
+ update();
void BoxItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) {
if(params->editState == Parameters::EditBlockMove) {
+ if (isPositionLock()) return;
QPointF absPos = currentPosition + originPoint;
int marginConn = 2*(params->arrowWidth+params->arrowLineLength);
int gapX = event->scenePos().x() - cursorPosition.x();
int gapY = event->scenePos().y() - cursorPosition.y();
+ // update cursor position
+ cursorPosition = event->scenePos();
//cout << "block abs. pos: " << absPos.x() << "," << absPos.y() << " | ";
//cout << "block current. pos: " << currentPosition.x() << "," << currentPosition.y() << " | ";
- if (absPos.x()+gapX < marginConn) {
+ if ((gapX < 0) && (absPos.x() == marginConn)) {
+ gapX = 0;
+ }
+ else if (absPos.x()+gapX < marginConn) {
gapX = marginConn-absPos.x();
- if (absPos.y()+gapY < marginConn) {
+ if ((gapY < 0) && (absPos.y() == marginConn)) {
+ gapY = 0;
+ }
+ else if (absPos.y()+gapY < marginConn) {
gapY = marginConn-absPos.y();
//cout << "gap: " << gapX << "," << gapY << endl;
- QPointF gap(gapX,gapY);
- currentPosition = currentPosition+gap;
- setPos(currentPosition);
- // update all connections from/to this block
- foreach(ConnectionItem *item, getScene()->getConnectionItems()){
- if ((item->getFromInterfaceItem()->getOwner() == this) || (item->getToInterfaceItem()->getOwner() == this)) {
- item->setPath();
+ if ((gapX != 0) || (gapY != 0)) {
+ QPointF gap(gapX,gapY);
+ currentPosition = currentPosition+gap;
+ setPos(currentPosition);
+ // update all connections from/to this block
+ foreach(ConnectionItem *item, getScene()->getConnectionItems()){
+ if ((item->getFromInterfaceItem()->getOwner() == this) || (item->getToInterfaceItem()->getOwner() == this)) {
+ item->setPath();
+ }
+ // udpate the groupitem
+ (getScene()->getGroupItem())->updateShape();
- cursorPosition = event->scenePos();
- // udpate the groupitem
- (getScene()->getGroupItem())->updateShape();
else if(params->editState == Parameters::EditBlockResize) {
+ if (isDimensionLock()) return;
int gapX = event->scenePos().x() - cursorPosition.x();
int gapY = event->scenePos().y() - cursorPosition.y();
//cout << "gap: " << gapX << "," << gapY << endl;
+ case Title:
+ cout << "abnormal case while resizing block" << endl;
+ break;
+ case BorderWest:
+ cout << "abnormal case while resizing block" << endl;
+ break;
+ case BorderNorth:
+ cout << "abnormal case while resizing block" << endl;
+ break;
case NoBorder:
cout << "abnormal case while resizing block" << endl;
else if(params->editState == Parameters::EditInterfaceMove) {
- moveInterfaceTo(event->pos());
+ moveInterfaceItemTo(event->pos());
// recompute the geometry of the block
if (updateGeometry(InterfaceMove)) {
- cout << "must recompute group item geometry" << endl;
+ //cout << "must recompute group item geometry" << endl;
// update connection from/to the selected interface
int mode = getScene()->getEditionMode();
- dispatcher->setCurrentGroupWidget(getScene()->getGroupWidget());
+ dispatcher->setCurrentGroupWidget(Dispatcher::Design, getScene()->getGroupWidget());
if ((mode == GroupScene::AddConnection) && (params->cursorState == Parameters::CursorOnInterface)) {
- InterfaceItem *inter = getInterfaceFromCursor(x,y);
+ InterfaceItem *inter = getInterfaceItemFromCursor(x,y);
if (inter != NULL) {
if (params->editState == Parameters::EditNoOperation) {
else if (mode == GroupScene::ItemEdition) {
- setZValue(zValue()+100);
+ //setZValue(zValue()+100);
if (params->cursorState == Parameters::CursorOnInterface) {
- InterfaceItem *inter = getInterfaceFromCursor(x,y);
+ InterfaceItem *inter = getInterfaceItemFromCursor(x,y);
if (inter != NULL) {
if (inter == currentInterface) {
else if (params->cursorState == Parameters::CursorOnBorder) {
- setFlag(ItemIsMovable, false);
- cursorPosition = event->scenePos();
- params->setEditState(Parameters::EditBlockResize);
+ if (isDimensionLock()) {
+ if ((position == Bottom)||(position == Right)) {
+ event->ignore();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ setFlag(ItemIsMovable, false);
+ cursorPosition = event->scenePos();
+ params->setEditState(Parameters::EditBlockResize);
+ }
void BoxItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) {
- setZValue(zValue()-100);
+ //setZValue(zValue()-100);
int mode = getScene()->getEditionMode();
else if (params->editState == Parameters::EditCloseConnection) {
InterfaceItem* iface1 = getScene()->getSelectedInterface(1);
InterfaceItem* iface2 = getScene()->getSelectedInterface(2);
- bool ok = dispatcher->connect(iface1,iface2);
+ bool ok = dispatcher->createConnection(Dispatcher::Design, iface1,iface2);
if (ok) {
iface1->selected = false;
- // no update needed since the whole scene will be repainted
+ update(iface1->boundingRect());
+ iface2->selected = false;
+ update(iface2->boundingRect());
void BoxItem::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent * event) {
- QPointF pos = event->pos();
- qreal x = pos.x();
- qreal y = pos.y();
+ QPointF evPos = event->pos();
+ qreal x = evPos.x();
+ qreal y = evPos.y();
currentBorder = NoBorder;
int mode = getScene()->getEditionMode();
if (mode == GroupScene::AddConnection) {
- InterfaceItem* iface = getInterfaceFromCursor(x,y);
+ InterfaceItem* iface = getInterfaceItemFromCursor(x,y);
if (iface != NULL) {
params->cursorState = Parameters::CursorOnInterface;
int marginE = 5;
int marginS = 5;
- InterfaceItem* iface = getInterfaceFromCursor(x,y);
+ InterfaceItem* iface = getInterfaceItemFromCursor(x,y);
if (iface != NULL) {
params->cursorState = Parameters::CursorOnInterface;
- QGraphicsItem::hoverMoveEvent(event);
+ if (params->cursorState == Parameters::CursorOnBorder) {
+ if (isDimensionLock()) {
+ if ((position == Bottom)||(position == Right)) {
+ event->setPos(evPos+pos());
+ getScene()->getGroupItem()->hoverMoveEvent(event);
+ }
+ }
+ }
-void BoxItem::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent * event) {
+void BoxItem::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent * event) {
QMenu menu;
QAction* titleAction = NULL;
QAction* removeAction = NULL;
QAction* duplicateAction = NULL;
QAction* renameAction = NULL;
- QAction* connectToGroup = NULL;
- QAction* disconnectFromGroup = NULL;
+ QAction* connectToGroup = NULL;
QAction* showProperties = NULL;
QAction* cloneInterface = NULL;
QAction* openWindow = NULL;
- QAction* showRstClkInter = NULL;
+ QAction* showRstClkIface = NULL;
+ QAction* showWishboneIface = NULL;
QAction* showParameters = NULL;
+ QAction* showPatterns = NULL;
+ QAction* showModifier = NULL;
+ QAction* removeModifier = NULL;
+ QAction* generateVHDL = NULL;
- InterfaceItem* ifaceItem = getInterfaceFromCursor(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y());
+ InterfaceItem* ifaceItem = getInterfaceItemFromCursor(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y());
// menu for interface
if( ifaceItem != NULL){
ConnectedInterface* ifaceGroup = NULL;
bool canRemove = true;
if ((iface->getDirection() == AbstractInterface::Input) && (iface->getConnectedFrom() == NULL)) {
connectToGroup = menu.addAction("Connect to group input");
connectToGroup = menu.addAction("Connect to group output");
else if (iface->getConnectionFromParentGroup() != NULL) {
- ifaceGroup = iface->getConnectionFromParentGroup();
- //if ((!ifaceGroup->isConnectedFrom()) || (!ifaceGroup->isConnectedTo())) {
- if (!ifaceGroup->isConnectedFrom()) {
- disconnectFromGroup = menu.addAction("Disconnect from group");
- }
- else {
+ ifaceGroup = iface->getConnectionFromParentGroup();
+ if (ifaceGroup->isConnectedFrom()) {
canRemove = false;
else if (iface->getConnectionToParentGroup() != NULL) {
- ifaceGroup = iface->getConnectionToParentGroup();
- //if ((!ifaceGroup->isConnectedFrom()) || (!ifaceGroup->isConnectedTo())) {
- if (!ifaceGroup->isConnectedTo()) {
- disconnectFromGroup = menu.addAction("Disconnect from group");
- }
- else {
+ ifaceGroup = iface->getConnectionToParentGroup();
+ if (ifaceGroup->isConnectedTo()) {
canRemove = false;
+ if (iface->getAssociatedIface() != NULL) {
+ if (iface->getDirection() == AbstractInterface::Output) {
+ showPatterns = menu.addAction("Show output pattern");
+ }
+ else if (iface->getDirection() == AbstractInterface::Input) {
+ showPatterns = menu.addAction("Show input pattern");
+ }
+ }
+ if (iface->getAssociatedIface() != NULL) {
+ ConnectedInterface* assoIface = AI_TO_CON(iface->getAssociatedIface());
+ if (assoIface->getInputModifier() != NULL) {
+ removeModifier = menu.addAction("Remove input modifier");
+ }
+ if (assoIface->getInputModifier() != NULL) {
+ showModifier = menu.addAction("Show input modifier parameters");
+ }
+ }
// menu for blocks (group or func)
else {
else {
duplicateAction = menu.addAction("Duplicate");
- showRstClkInter = menu.addAction("Show reset/clock interfaces");
- showRstClkInter->setCheckable(true);
- showRstClkInter->setChecked(rstClkVisible);
+ showRstClkIface = menu.addAction("Show reset/clock interfaces");
+ showRstClkIface->setCheckable(true);
+ showRstClkIface->setChecked(rstClkVisible);
+ showWishboneIface = menu.addAction("Show wishbone interfaces");
+ showWishboneIface->setCheckable(true);
+ showWishboneIface->setChecked(wishboneVisible);
removeAction = menu.addAction("Remove");
+ generateVHDL = menu.addAction("Generate VHDL");
QAction* selectedAction = NULL;
if (selectedAction == removeAction) {
if(ifaceItem != NULL) {
- dispatcher->removeBlockInterface(ifaceItem);
+ dispatcher->removeFunctionalInterface(Dispatcher::Design, ifaceItem);
else {
- dispatcher->removeBlock(this);
+ dispatcher->removeBoxItem(Dispatcher::Design, this);
else if (selectedAction == duplicateAction) {
- dispatcher->duplicateBlock(this);
+ dispatcher->duplicateBoxItem(Dispatcher::Design, this);
else if(selectedAction == renameAction){
- if(ifaceItem != NULL)
- dispatcher->renameInterface(ifaceItem);
- else
- dispatcher->renameBlockOrGroup(this);
+ if(ifaceItem != NULL) {
+ dispatcher->renameInterface(Dispatcher::Design, ifaceItem);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (refBlock->isFunctionalBlock()) {
+ dispatcher->renameFunctionalBlock(Dispatcher::Design, this);
+ }
+ else if (refBlock->isGroupBlock()) {
+ dispatcher->renameGroupBlock(Dispatcher::Design, childGroupItem);
+ }
+ }
else if(selectedAction == showProperties){
- dispatcher->showProperties(ifaceItem);
+ dispatcher->showProperties(Dispatcher::Design, ifaceItem);
else if (selectedAction == connectToGroup){
- dispatcher->connectInterToGroup(ifaceItem);
- }
- else if (selectedAction == disconnectFromGroup) {
- dispatcher->disconnectInterFromGroup(ifaceItem);
+ dispatcher->connectInterToGroup(Dispatcher::Design, ifaceItem);
else if (selectedAction == cloneInterface){
- dispatcher->duplicateInterface(ifaceItem);
+ dispatcher->duplicateInterfaceItem(Dispatcher::Design, ifaceItem);
else if (selectedAction == openWindow){
- dispatcher->showRaiseWindow(this);
+ dispatcher->showRaiseWindow(Dispatcher::Design, this);
+ }
+ else if(selectedAction == showRstClkIface) {
+ dispatcher->showRstClkIface(Dispatcher::Design, this);
- else if(selectedAction == showRstClkInter){
- dispatcher->showRstClkInter(this);
+ else if(selectedAction == showWishboneIface) {
+ dispatcher->showWishboneIface(Dispatcher::Design, this);
- else if(selectedAction == showParameters){
+ else if(selectedAction == showParameters) {
new ParametersWindow(refBlock, params, NULL);
+ else if(selectedAction == showPatterns) {
+ dispatcher->showPatterns(Dispatcher::Design, ifaceItem);
+ }
+ else if(selectedAction == removeModifier) {
+ dispatcher->removeModifier(Dispatcher::Design, ifaceItem);
+ }
+ else if(selectedAction == showModifier) {
+ dispatcher->showModifier(Dispatcher::Design, ifaceItem);
+ }
+ else if(selectedAction == generateVHDL) {
+ dispatcher->generateBlockVHDL(Dispatcher::Design, this);
+ }
+void BoxItem::loadFunctional(QDomElement funcElement) throw(Exception) {
+ bool ok = false;
+ int id = funcElement.attribute("id","none").toInt(&ok);
+ if(!ok) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ QString refXml = funcElement.attribute("ref_xml","none");
+ if(refXml == "none") throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ QString refMd5 = funcElement.attribute("ref_md5","none");
+ if(refMd5 == "none") throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ cout << "ref md5 : " << refMd5.toStdString() << "\nref xml : " << refXml.toStdString() << endl;
+ QString name = funcElement.attribute("name","none");
+ if(name == "none") throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ QStringList positionStr = funcElement.attribute("position","none").split(",");
+ if(positionStr.length() != 2) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ int posX = positionStr.at(0).toInt(&ok);
+ if(!ok) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ int posY = positionStr.at(1).toInt(&ok);
+ if(!ok) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ QStringList dimensionStr = funcElement.attribute("dimension","none").split(",");
+ if(dimensionStr.length() != 2) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ int dimX = dimensionStr.at(0).toInt(&ok);
+ if(!ok) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ int dimY = dimensionStr.at(1).toInt(&ok);
+ if(!ok) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ ReferenceBlock *referenceMd5 = NULL;
+ ReferenceBlock *referenceXml = NULL;
+ ReferenceBlock *reference = NULL;
+ if(refMd5 != "none") {
+ referenceMd5 = params->searchBlockByMd5(refMd5);
+ }
+ if(refXml != "none"){
+ referenceXml = params->searchBlockByXml(refXml);
+ }
+ if ((referenceMd5 == NULL) && (referenceXml == NULL)) {
+ throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ }
+ if (referenceMd5 != referenceXml) {
+ reference = referenceXml;
+ }
+ else {
+ reference = referenceMd5;
+ }
+ GroupBlock* parentGroupBlock = AB_TO_GRP(((GroupItem *)parentItem())->getRefBlock());
+ FunctionalBlock* functionalBlock = params->getGraph()->createFunctionalBlock(parentGroupBlock, reference);
+ /* NB: addFunctionalBlock creates all interfaces from the reference, which is annoying when
+ reading bif_iface tags. Thus interface are all removed.
+ */
+ functionalBlock->setName(name);
+ setRefBlock(functionalBlock);
+ params->blockToItem.insert(functionalBlock,this);
+ setPos(posX,posY);
+ setDimension(dimX,dimY);
+ setId(id);
+ QDomNodeList blockParamNodes = funcElement.elementsByTagName("bif_parameter");
+ // setting parameters value
+ for(int i=0; i<blockParamNodes.length(); i++){
+ QDomElement currentBlockParamNode = blockParamNodes.at(i).toElement();
+ QString name = currentBlockParamNode.attribute("name","none");
+ if(name == "none") throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ QString value = currentBlockParamNode.attribute("value","none");
+ if(value == "none") throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ BlockParameter *blockParam = NULL;
+ blockParam = functionalBlock->getParameterFromName(name);
+ if (blockParam == NULL) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ blockParam->setValue(value);
+ }
+ // recreate all (non-control) interfaces because of some may have a multiplicity>1 with several examplars
+ functionalBlock->removeAllInterfaces();
+ QDomNodeList interfaceNodes = funcElement.elementsByTagName("bif_iface");
+ // setting interfaces (user name, and for multiplicity>1 may be create some new ones)
+ for(int i=0; i<interfaceNodes.length(); i++) {
+ QDomElement currentInterfaceNode = interfaceNodes.at(i).toElement();
+ QString name = currentInterfaceNode.attribute("name","none");
+ if(name == "none") throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ QString refName = currentInterfaceNode.attribute("ref_name","none");
+ if(refName == "none") throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ ReferenceInterface* refInter = AI_TO_REF(reference->getIfaceFromName(refName));
+ cout << "creating iface from reference named " << qPrintable(refName) << endl;
+ FunctionalInterface *functionalInterface = new FunctionalInterface(functionalBlock,refInter);
+ functionalInterface->setName(name);
+ functionalBlock->addInterface(functionalInterface);
+ // searching for control interface
+ QString ctlRefName = refName+"_enb";
+ ReferenceInterface* ctlRefIface = AI_TO_REF(reference->getIfaceFromName(ctlRefName));
+ if (ctlRefIface != NULL) {
+ cout << "found a control iface:" << qPrintable(ctlRefName) << endl;
+ FunctionalInterface *ctlIface = new FunctionalInterface(functionalBlock,ctlRefIface);
+ if (! ctlIface->setAssociatedIface(functionalInterface)) {
+ throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ }
+ ctlIface->setName(name+"_enb");
+ functionalBlock->addInterface(ctlIface);
+ }
+ }
+ // connect clk and rst to group clk/rst or to clkrstgen
+ if ((name != "clkrstgen") && (parentGroupBlock != NULL)) {
+ try {
+ functionalBlock->connectClkReset();
+ }
+ catch(Exception e) {
+ AbstractBlock* source = (AbstractBlock *)(e.getSource());
+ cerr << qPrintable(source->getName()) << ":" << qPrintable(e.getMessage()) << endl;
+ throw(e);
+ }
+ }
+ // creating InterfaceItem
+ createInterfaceItems();
+ // setting them with saved values
+ for(int i=0; i<interfaceNodes.length(); i++){
+ QDomElement currentInterfaceNode = interfaceNodes.at(i).toElement();
+ int id = currentInterfaceNode.attribute("id","none").toInt(&ok);
+ if(!ok) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ QString name = currentInterfaceNode.attribute("name","none");
+ if(name == "none") throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ QString orientationStr = currentInterfaceNode.attribute("orientation","none");
+ int orientation = InterfaceItem::getIntOrientation(orientationStr);
+ if(orientation == -1) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ double position = currentInterfaceNode.attribute("position","none").toDouble(&ok);
+ if(!ok) throw(Exception(PROJECTFILE_CORRUPTED));
+ InterfaceItem *interfaceItem = searchInterfaceItemByName(name);
+ interfaceItem->setId(id);
+ interfaceItem->setOrientation(orientation);
+ interfaceItem->setPositionRatio(position);
+ }
+ updateGeometry(Resize);
void BoxItem::save(QXmlStreamWriter &writer) {
writer.writeAttribute("ref_xml", ((FunctionalBlock*)refBlock)->getReferenceXmlFile());
writer.writeAttribute("ref_md5", ((FunctionalBlock*)refBlock)->getReferenceHashMd5());
- QString attrPos = QString::number(pos().x()).append(",").append(QString::number(pos().y()));
+ QString attrPos = QString::number((int)(pos().x())).append(",").append(QString::number((int)(pos().y())));
QString attrDim = QString::number(getWidth()).append(",").append(QString::number(getHeight()));
- QString attrPos = QString::number(pos().x()).append(",").append(QString::number(pos().y()));
+ QString attrPos = QString::number((int)(pos().x())).append(",").append(QString::number((int)(pos().y())));
QString attrDim = QString::number(getWidth()).append(",").append(QString::number(getHeight()));
for(int i=0; i<b.getInterfaces().length(); i++){
InterfaceItem *inter = b.getInterfaces().at(i);
toWrite << inter->getId();
- toWrite << inter->getName();
+ //toWrite << inter->getName();
toWrite << inter->getPositionRatio();
toWrite << inter->getOrientation();
return out;
-QDataStream &operator >>(QDataStream &in, BoxItem &b)
+QDataStream &operator >>(QDataStream &in, BoxItem &b) {
in >> positionRatio;
in >> orientation;
- inter->setId(id);
- inter->setName(name);
+ inter->setId(id);