\subsection{Heat conduction equation}\index{heat conduction}
First, we consider a two-dimensional heat conduction problem defined on a unit square. The heat conduction equation is a parabolic partial differential diffusion equation, including both spatial and temporal derivatives. It describes how the diffusion of heat in a medium changes with time. Diffusion equations are of great importance in many fields of sciences, e.g., fluid dynamics, where the fluid motion is uniquely described by the Navier-Stokes equations, which include a diffusive viscous term~\cite{ch5:chorin1993,ch5:Ferziger1996}.%, or in financial science where diffusive terms are present in the Black-Scholes equations for estimation of option price trends~\cite{}.
-The heat problem is an IVP \index{initial value problem}, it describes how the heat distribution evolves from a specified initial state. Together with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions\index{boundary conditions}, the heat problem in the unit square is given as
+The heat problem is an IVP \index{initial value problem}, it describes how the heat distribution evolves from a specified initial state. Together with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions\index{boundary condition}, the heat problem in the unit square is given as
\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} - \kappa\nabla^2u = 0, & \qquad (x,y)\in \Omega([0,1]\times[0,1]),\quad t\geq 0, \label{ch5:eq:heateqdt}\\
u = 0, & \qquad (x,y) \in \partial\Omega,\label{ch5:eq:heateqbc}