elements necessary to compute this multiplication. First, each computing node determines, in its
local subvector, the vector elements needed by other nodes. Then, the neighboring nodes exchange
between them these shared vector elements. The data exchanges are implemented by using the MPI
-point-to-point communication routines: blocking\index{MPI subroutines!blocking} sends with \verb+MPI_Send()+
-and nonblocking\index{MPI subroutines!nonblocking} receives with \verb+MPI_Irecv()+. Figure~\ref{ch12:fig:02}
+point-to-point communication routines: blocking\index{MPI!blocking} sends with \verb+MPI_Send()+
+and nonblocking\index{MPI!nonblocking} receives with \verb+MPI_Irecv()+. Figure~\ref{ch12:fig:02}
shows an example of data exchanges between \textit{Node 1} and its neighbors \textit{Node 0}, \textit{Node 2},
and \textit{Node 3}. In this example, the iterate matrix $A$ split between these four computing
nodes is that presented in Figure~\ref{ch12:fig:01}.
and vice versa before and after the synchronization operation between CPUs. We have used the CUBLAS\index{CUBLAS}
communication subroutines to perform the data transfers between a CPU core and its GPU: \verb+cublasGetVector()+
and \verb+cublasSetVector()+. Finally, in addition to the data exchanges, GPU nodes perform reduction operations
-to compute in parallel the dot products and Euclidean norms. This is implemented by using the MPI global communication\index{MPI subroutines!global}
+to compute in parallel the dot products and Euclidean norms. This is implemented by using the MPI global communication\index{MPI!global}