-__device__ inline void s(int* a, int* b)
+__global__ void kernel_medianR( short *output,
+ int i_dim, int j_dim, int r)
+ // absolute coordinates of the center pixel
+ int j = __mul24(blockIdx.x,blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x ;
+ int i = __mul24(blockIdx.y,blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y ;
- int tmp ;
- if (*a > *b)
+ short cpt, ic, jc ;
+ short histogram[256] ; // 8 bit image
+ // zeroing histogram data
+ for (ic =0; ic<256; ic++) histogram[ ic ]=0 ;
+ // histogram filling
+ for(ic=i-r; ic<=i+r; ic++ )
+ for(jc=j-r; jc<=j+r; jc++)
+ histogram[ tex2D(tex_img_ins, jc, ic) ]++ ;
+ // histogram parsing
+ cpt = 0 ;
+ for(ic=0; ic<256; ic++)
- tmp = *b ;
- *b = *a ;
- *a = tmp ;
- }
+ cpt += histogram[ ic ] ;
+ // selection of 50% percentile
+ if ( cpt > ((2*r+1)*(2*r+1))>>1 ) break ;
+ }
+ output[ __mul24(i, j_dim) +j ] = ic ;