+author={Y. Wu and M. Eghbali and J. Ou and R. Lu and L. Toro and E. Stefani},
+journal={Biophysical Journal},
+title={Quantitative determination of spatial protein-protein correlations in fluorescence confocal microscopy.},
+month={feb. },
+journal={Journal of Signal Processing Systems},
+title={Highly Parallelable Bidimensional Median Filter for Modern Parallel Programming Models},
+publisher={Springer US},
+keywords={Nonlinear filters; Parallel algorithms; Image processing},
+author={Sánchez, R. M. and Rodríguez, P. A.},
+ author = {Batcher, K. E.},
+ title = {Sorting networks and their applications},
+ booktitle = {Proceedings of the April 30--May 2, 1968, spring joint computer conference},
+ series = {AFIPS '68 (Spring)},
+ year = {1968},
+ location = {Atlantic City, New Jersey},
+ pages = {307--314},
+ numpages = {8},
+ url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1468075.1468121},
+ doi = {10.1145/1468075.1468121},
+ acmid = {1468121},
+ publisher = {ACM},
+ address = {New York, NY, USA},
+ title={Introduction to algorithms},
+ author={Cormen, Thomas H and Leiserson, Charles E and Rivest, Ronald L and Stein, Clifford},
+ year={2001},
+ publisher={MIT press}
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