-\chapterauthor{Gilles Perrot}{FEMTO-ST Institute}
-% \begin{VF}
-% ``A ''
-% \VA{Thomas Davenport}{Senior Adjutant to the Junior Marketing VP}
-% \end{VF}
-% \begin{shadebox}
-% A component part for an electronic item is
-% manufactured at one of three different factories, and then delivered to
-% the main assembly line.Of the total number supplied, factory A supplies
-% 50\%, factory B 30\%, and factory C 20\%. Of the components
-% manufactured at factory A, 1\% are faulty and the corresponding
-% proportions for factories B and C are 4\% and 2\% respectively. A
-% component is picked at random from the assembly line. What is the
-% probability that it is faulty?
-% \end{shadebox}
-% \begin{equation}
-% \mbox{var}\widehat{\Delta} = \sum_{j = 1}^t \sum_{k = j+1}^t
-% \mbox{var}\,(\hat{\alpha}_j - \hat{\alpha}_k) = \sum_{j = 1}^t
-% \sum_{k = j+1}^t \sigma^2(1/n_j + 1/n_k). \label{2delvart2}
-% \end{equation}
-% \begin{shortbox}
-% \Boxhead{Box Title Here}
-% \end{shortbox}
-% \begin{theorem}\label{1th:Z_m}
-% Let $m$ be a prime number. With the addition and multiplication as
-% defined above, $Z_m$ is a field.
-% \end{theorem}
-% \begin{proof}
-% \end{proof}
-% \begin{notelist}{000000}
-% \notes{Note:}{The process of integrating reengineering is best accomplished with an engineer, a dog, and a cat.}
-% \end{notelist}
-% \begin{VT1}
-% \VH{Think About It...}
-% Com
-% \VT
-% \VTA{The Information Revolution}{Business Week}
-% \end{VT1}
-% \begin{extract}
-% text
-% \end{extract}
-% Listings
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