-As in the sending function, the main loop of receptions is done while the
-iterative process is not \texttt{Finished}. In line~11, the thread waits until
-a message arrives on the node. Then, it performs the actual reception and the
-corresponding subsequent actions (potential data copies for data messages and
-counting for end messages). Lines 20-23 check that all data dependencies have
-been received before unlocking the \texttt{lockRec} mutex. As mentioned before,
-they are not mandatory and are included only to ensure that all data
-dependencies are received at the first iteration. Lines 25-28 are required to
-manage end messages that arrive on the node \emph{before} it reaches its own
-termination process. As the nodes are \emph{not} synchronized, this may happen.
-Finally, lines 34-43 perform the receptions of all pending communications,
-including the remaining end messages (at least the one from the node itself).
+As in the sending function, the main loop of receptions is done while the
+iterative process is not \texttt{Finished}. In line~12, the thread waits until
+a message arrives on the node. Then, it performs the actual reception and the
+corresponding subsequent actions (potential data copies for data messages and
+counting for end messages). Lines~23--26 check, only at the first iteration of
+computations, that all data dependencies have been received before unlocking the
+\texttt{lockRec} mutex. %As mentioned previously, they are not mandatory and are included only to
+Although this is not mandatory, it ensures that all data dependencies are
+received before starting the computations. % at the first iteration.
+Lines~28--31 are required to manage end messages that arrive on the
+node \emph{before} it reaches its own termination process. As the nodes are
+\emph{not} synchronized, this may happen. Finally, lines~37--46 perform the
+receptions of all pending communications, including the remaining end messages
+(at least the one from the node itself).