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%%bibliography style to adopt
-\part{This is a Part}
-%% \include{Chapters/chapter1/ch1}
-%% \include{Chapters/chapter2/ch2}
-%% \include{Chapters/chapter3/ch3}
-%% \include{Chapters/chapter5/ch5}
-%% \include{Chapters/chapter6/ch6}
-%% \include{Chapters/chapter7/ch7}
-%% \include{Chapters/chapter8/ch8}
-%% \include{Chapters/chapter9/ch9}
-%% \include{Chapters/chapter11/ch11}
-%% \include{Chapters/chapter14/ch14}
-%% \include{Chapters/chapter15/ch15}
- \include{Chapters/chapter16/ch16}
-%% \include{Chapters/chapter18/ch18}
+\part{Presentation of GPUs}
+\part{Image processing}
+\part{Software development}
+\part{Numerical applications}