simulation performance but GPUs are also a promising technology with
an attractive performance/cost ratio.
-Conceptually a MAS\index{Multi-Agent System} is a distributed system
+Conceptually a MAS\index{multi-agent system} is a distributed system
as it favors the definition and description of large sets of
individuals, the agents, that can be run in parallel. As a large set
of agents could have the same behavior, a Single Instruction Multiple
algorithm which illustrates the case of agents with a simple behavior
and few synchronization problems.
-\subsection{The Collembola model\index{Collembola model}}
+\subsection{The Collembola model\index{collembola model}}
The Collembola model is an example of multi-agent system using GIS
too constrained in its execution.
-\lstinputlisting[caption=main MIOR kernel,label=ch17:listing:mior_kernels]{Chapters/chapter17/code/}
+\lstinputlisting[caption=main MIOR kernel,label=ch17:listing:mior_kernels]{./Chapters/chapter17/code/}
From the sequential algorithm (Algorithm~\ref{ch17:seqalgo}) where all
the agents share the same data, we have developed a parallel algorithm