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+%% Visual Comput., doi 10.1007/s00371-0070191-y (2007).
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+%% J. T\"olke,
+%% Implementation of a lattice Boltzmann kernel using the compute unified
+%% device architecture developed by nVIDIA,
+%% Comput. Visual Sci. 13 29--39 (2010).
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+%% Z. Fan, F. Qiu, A. Kaufman, and S. Yoakum-Stover,
+%% \textit{GPU cluster for high performance computing},
+%% Proceedings of ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference, pp. 47--59,
+%% IEEE Computer Society Press, Pittsburgh, PA (2004).
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+%% J. Myre, S.D.C. Walsh, D. Lilja, and M.O. Saar,
+%% \textit{Performance analysis of single-phase, multiphase, and multicomponent
+%% lattice Boltzmann fluid flow simulations on GPU clusters},
+%% Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper., \textbf{23}, 332--350 (2011).
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+%% C. Obrecht, F. Kuznik, B. Tourancheau, and J.-J. Roux,
+%% \textit{Multi-GPU implementation of the lattice Boltzmann method},
+%% Comput. Math. with Applications,
+%% doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2011.02.020 (2011).
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+%% M. Bernaschi, M. Fatica, S. Melchionna, S. Succi, and E. Kaxiras,
+%% \textit{A flexible high-performance lattice Boltzmann GPU code for the
+%% simulations of fluid flow in complex geometries},
+%% Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper., \textbf{22}, 1--14 (2010).
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+%% W. Xian and A. Takayuki,
+%% \textit{Multi-GPU performance of incompressible flow computation by
+%% lattice Boltzmann method on GPU cluster},
+%% Parallel Comput., doi:10.1016/j.parco.2011.02.007 (2011).
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+%% C. Feichtinger, J. Habich, H. K\"ostler, G. Hager, U. R\"ude, and
+%% G. Wellein,
+%% A flexible patch-based lattice Boltzmann parallelization approach
+%% for heterogeneous GPU-CPU clusters,
+%% \textit{Parallel Computing} \textbf{37} 536--549 (2011).
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+%% G. Wellein, T. Zeiser, G Hager, and S. Donath,
+%% On the single processor performance of simple lattice Boltzmann kernels,
+%% \textit{Computers and Fluids}, \textbf{35}, 910--919 (2006).
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+%% T. Pohl, M. Kowarschik, J. Wilke, K. Igelberger, and U. R\"ude,
+%% Optimization and profiling of the cache performance of parallel
+%% lattice Boltzmann code,
+%% \textit{Parallel Process Lett.} \textit{13} 549--560 (2003).
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+%% K. Mattila, J. Hyv\"aluoma, T. Rossi, M. Aspn\"as and J. Westerholm,
+%% An efficient swap algorithm for the lattice Boltzmann method,
+%% \textit{Comput. Phys. Comms.} \textit{176} 200-210 (2007).
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+%% M. Wittmann, T. Zeiser, G. Hager, and G. Wellein,
+%% Comparison of different propagation steps for lattice Boltzmann methods,
+%% \textit{Comput. Math with Appl.} doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2012.05.002 (2012).
+%% \bibitem{walshsaar2012}
+%% S.D.C. Walsh and M.O. Saar,
+%% Developing extensible lattice Boltzmann simulators for general-purpose
+%% graphics-processing units,
+%% \textit{Comm. Comput. Phys.}, \textbf{13} 867--879 (2013).
+%% \bibitem{williams2011}
+%% S. Williams, L. Oliker, J. Carter, and J Shalf,
+%% Extracting ultra-scale lattice Boltzmann performance via
+%% hierarchical and distributed auto-tuning,
+%% \textit{Proc. SC2011}.
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+%% K. Stratford, R. Adhikari, I. Pagonabarraga, and J.-C. Desplat,
+%% \textit{Lattice Boltzmann for Binary Fluids with Suspended Colloids},
+%% J. Stat. Phys. \textbf{121}, 163 (2005).
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+%% A.J.C. Ladd,
+%% Numerical simulations of particle suspensions via a discretized
+%% Boltzmann equation. Part 1. Theoretical foundation,
+%% \textit{J. Fluid Mech.} \textbf{271} 285--309 (1994);
+%% Part II. Numerical results,
+%% \textit{ibid.} \textbf{271} 311--339 (1994).