\chapterauthor{Alan Gray and Kevin Stratford}{EPCC, The University of Edinburgh}
-\chapter{Ludwig: multiple GPUs for a complex fluid lattice Boltzmann
+\chapter[Ludwig: multiple GPUs for a fluid lattice Boltzmann
+application]{Ludwig: multiple GPUs for a complex fluid lattice Boltzmann
-The lattice Boltzmann (LB) method (for an overview see, e.g.,
+The lattice Boltzmann (LB) method \index{Lattice Boltzmann method} (for an overview see, e.g.,
\cite{succi-book}) has become a popular approach to a variety of fluid
dynamics problems. It provides a way to solve the incompressible,
isothermal Navier-Stokes equations and has the attractive features of
beyond the bare Navier-Stokes equations to provide a full
description~\cite{aidun2010}. The representation of this extra
physics raises additional design questions for the application
-programmer. Here, we consider the \textit{Ludwig} code \cite{desplat},
+programmer. Here, we consider the \textit{Ludwig} code \cite{desplat}\index{Ludwig code},
an LB application developed specifically for complex fluids
(\textit{Ludwig} was named for Boltzmann, 1844--1906).
We will present the steps
-\caption{Left: the lattice is decomposed between MPI tasks. For
+\caption[The lattice is decomposed between MPI tasks.]{Left: the lattice is decomposed between MPI tasks. For
clarity we show a 2D decomposition of a 3D lattice, but in practice
we decompose in all 3 dimensions. Halo cells are added to each
sub-domain (as shown on the upper right for a single slice) which store
-\caption{The weak (top) and strong (bottom) scaling of \textit{Ludwig}. Closed
+\caption[The weak (top) and strong (bottom) scaling of \textit{Ludwig}.]{The weak (top) and strong (bottom) scaling of \textit{Ludwig}. Closed
shapes denote results using the CPU version run on the Cray
XE6 (using two 16-core AMD Interlagos CPUs per node), while open
shapes denote results using the GPU version on the Cray XK6 (using a
+\caption[A two-dimensional schematic picture of spherical particles on the lattice.]{
A two-dimensional schematic picture of spherical particles on the lattice.
Left: a particle is allowed
to move continuously across the lattice, and the position of the
introducing the associated logic.
Ultimately, the GPU might favour other boundary methods which treat solid and
fluid on a somewhat more equal basis, for example, the immersed boundary
-method \cite{ch14:immersed,ch14:immersed-lb} or smoothed profile method
+method \cite{ch14:immersed1,ch14:immersed2,ch14:immersed-lb} or smoothed profile method
However, the approach adopted here allows us to exploit
the GPU for the intensive fluid simulation whilst maintaining the complex
% set second argument of \begin to the number of references
% (used to reserve space for the reference number labels box)
%H.~Kopka and P.~W. Daly, \emph{A Guide to \LaTeX}, 3rd~ed.\hskip 1em plus
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+%% Desplat, J.-C., I. Pagonabarraga, and P. Bladon,
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