-\section{Hypergraph partitioning}
-In this section, we present the performances of both parallel CG and GMRES solvers for solving linear
-systems associated to sparse matrices having large bandwidths. Indeed, we are interested on sparse
-matrices having the nonzero values distributed along their bandwidths.
-\caption{Parallel generation of a large sparse five-bands matrix by four computing nodes.}
-{\bf Matrix type} & {\bf Matrix name} & {\bf \# nnz} & {\bf Bandwidth} \\ \hline \hline
-\multirow{6}{*}{Symmetric} & 2cubes\_sphere & $829,082,728$ & $24,999,999$ \\
- & ecology2 & $254,892,056$ & $25,000,000$ \\
- & finan512 & $556,982,339$ & $24,999,973$ \\
- & G3\_circuit & $257,982,646$ & $25,000,000$ \\
- & shallow\_water2 & $200,798,268$ & $25,000,000$ \\
- & thermal2 & $359,340,179$ & $24,999,998$ \\ \hline \hline
-\multirow{6}{*}{Nonsymmetric} & cage13 & $879,063,379$ & $24,999,998$ \\
- & crashbasis & $820,373,286$ & $24,999,803$ \\
- & FEM\_3D\_thermal2 & $1,194,012,703$ & $24,999,998$ \\
- & language & $155,261,826$ & $24,999,492$ \\
- & poli\_large & $106,680,819$ & $25,000,000$ \\
- & torso3 & $872,029,998$ & $25,000,000$\\ \hline
-\caption{Main characteristics of sparse five-bands matrices generated from those of the Davis's collection.}
-We have developed in C programming language a generator of large sparse matrices
-having five bands distributed along their bandwidths (see Figure~\ref{ch12:fig:07}).
-The principle of this generator is equivalent to that in Section~\ref{ch12:sec:04}.
-However, the copies performed on the initial matrix (chosen from the Davis's collection)
-are placed on the main diagonal and on four off-diagonals, two on the right and two
-on the left of the main diagonal. Figure~\ref{ch12:fig:07} shows an example of a
-generation of a sparse five-bands matrix by four computing nodes. Table~\ref{ch12:tab:07}
-shows the main characteristics of sparse five-bands matrices generated from those
-presented in Table~\ref{ch12:tab:01} and associated to linear systems of $25$ million
-unknown values.
-{\bf Matrix} & $\mathbf{Time_{cpu}}$ & $\mathbf{Time_{gpu}}$ & $\mathbf{\tau}$ & $\mathbf{\# iter.}$ & $\mathbf{prec.}$ & $\mathbf{\Delta}$ \\ \hline \hline
-2cubes\_sphere & $6.041s$ & $3.338s$ & $1.81$ & $30$ & $6.77e$-$11$ & $3.25e$-$19$ \\
-ecology2 & $1.404s$ & $1.301s$ & $1.08$ & $13$ & $5.22e$-$11$ & $2.17e$-$18$ \\
-finan512 & $1.822s$ & $1.299s$ & $1.40$ & $12$ & $3.52e$-$11$ & $3.47e$-$18$ \\
-G3\_circuit & $2.331s$ & $2.129s$ & $1.09$ & $15$ & $1.36e$-$11$ & $5.20e$-$18$ \\
-shallow\_water2 & $0.541s$ & $0.504s$ & $1.07$ & $6$ & $2.12e$-$16$ & $5.05e$-$28$ \\
-thermal2 & $2.549s$ & $1.705s$ & $1.49$ & $14$ & $2.36e$-$10$ & $5.20e$-$18$ \\ \hline
-\caption{Performances of parallel CG solver for solving linear systems associated to sparse five-bands matrices
-on a cluster of 24 CPU cores vs. on a cluster of 12 GPUs}
-{\bf Matrix} & $\mathbf{Time_{cpu}}$ & $\mathbf{Time_{gpu}}$ & $\mathbf{\tau}$ & $\mathbf{\# iter.}$ & $\mathbf{prec.}$ & $\mathbf{\Delta}$ \\ \hline \hline
-2cubes\_sphere & $15.963s$ & $7.250s$ & $2.20$ & $58$ & $6.23e$-$16$ & $3.25e$-$19$ \\
-ecology2 & $3.549s$ & $2.176s$ & $1.63$ & $21$ & $4.78e$-$15$ & $1.06e$-$15$ \\
-finan512 & $3.862s$ & $1.934s$ & $1.99$ & $17$ & $3.21e$-$14$ & $8.43e$-$17$ \\
-G3\_circuit & $4.636s$ & $2.811s$ & $1.65$ & $22$ & $1.08e$-$14$ & $1.77e$-$16$ \\
-shallow\_water2 & $2.738s$ & $1.539s$ & $1.78$ & $17$ & $5.54e$-$23$ & $3.82e$-$26$ \\
-thermal2 & $5.017s$ & $2.587s$ & $1.94$ & $21$ & $8.25e$-$14$ & $4.34e$-$18$ \\ \hline \hline
-cage13 & $9.315s$ & $3.227s$ & $2.89$ & $26$ & $3.38e$-$13$ & $2.08e$-$16$ \\
-crashbasis & $35.980s$ & $14.770s$ & $2.43$ & $127$ & $1.17e$-$12$ & $1.56e$-$17$ \\
-FEM\_3D\_thermal2 & $24.611s$ & $7.749s$ & $3.17$ & $64$ & $3.87e$-$11$ & $2.84e$-$14$ \\
-language & $16.859s$ & $9.697s$ & $1.74$ & $89$ & $2.17e$-$12$ & $1.70e$-$12$ \\
-poli\_large & $10.200s$ & $6.534s$ & $1.56$ & $69$ & $5.14e$-$13$ & $1.63e$-$13$ \\
-torso3 & $49.074s$ & $19.397s$ & $2.53$ & $175$ & $2.69e$-$12$ & $2.77e$-$16$ \\ \hline
-\caption{Performances of parallel GMRES solver for solving linear systems associated to sparse five-bands matrices
-on a cluster of 24 CPU cores vs. on a cluster of 12 GPUs}
-Tables~\ref{ch12:tab:08} and~\ref{ch12:tab:09} shows the performances of the parallel
-CG and GMRES solvers, respectively, obtained on a cluster of $24$ CPU cores and on a
-cluster of $12$ GPUs. The linear systems solved in these tables are associated to the
-sparse five-bands matrices presented on Table~\ref{ch12:tab:07}. We can notice from
-both Tables~\ref{ch12:tab:08} and~\ref{ch12:tab:09} that using a GPU cluster is not
-efficient for solving these kind of sparse linear systems\index{Sparse~linear~system}.
-We can see that the execution times obtained on the GPU cluster are almost equivalent
-to those obtained on the CPU cluster (see the relative gains presented in column~$4$
-of each table). This is due to the large number of communications necessary to synchronize
-the computations over the cluster. Indeed, the naive partitioning, row-by-row or column-by-column,
-of sparse matrices having large bandwidths can link a computing node to many neighbors
-and then generate a large number of data dependencies between these computing nodes in
-the cluster.
-Therefore, we have chosen to use a hypergraph partitioning method\index{Hypergraph},
-which is well-suited to numerous kinds of sparse matrices~\cite{ch12:ref11}. Indeed,
-it can well model the communications between the computing nodes, particularly in the
-case of nonsymmetric and irregular matrices, and it gives good reduction of the total
-communication volume. In contrast, it is an expensive operation in terms of execution
-time and memory space.
-The sparse matrix $A$ of the linear system to be solved is modeled as a hypergraph
-$\mathcal{H}=(\mathcal{V},\mathcal{E})$\index{Hypergraph} as follows:
-\item each matrix row $\{i\}_{0\leq i<n}$ corresponds to a vertex $v_i\in\mathcal{V}$ and,
-\item each matrix column $\{j\}_{0\leq j<n}$ corresponds to a hyperedge $e_j\in\mathcal{E}$, where:
-\forall a_{ij} \neq 0 \mbox{~is a nonzero value of matrix~} A \mbox{~:~} v_i \in pins[e_j],
-\item $w_i$ is the weight of vertex $v_i$ and,
-\item $c_j$ is the cost of hyperedge $e_j$.
-A $K$-way partitioning of a hypergraph $\mathcal{H}=(\mathcal{V},\mathcal{E})$ is
-defined as $\mathcal{P}=\{\mathcal{V}_1,\ldots,\mathcal{V}_K\}$ a set of pairwise
-disjoint non-empty subsets (or parts) of the vertex set $\mathcal{V}$, so that each
-subset is attributed to a computing node. Figure~\ref{ch12:fig:08} shows an example
-of the hypergraph model of a $(9\times 9)$ sparse matrix in three parts. The circles
-and squares correspond, respectively, to the vertices and hyperedges of the hypergraph.
-The solid squares define the cut hyperedges connecting at least two different parts.
-The connectivity $\lambda_j$ of a cut hyperedge $e_j$ denotes the number of different
-parts spanned by $e_j$.
-\caption{An example of the hypergraph partitioning of a sparse matrix decomposed between three computing nodes.}
-The cut hyperedges model the total communication volume between the different computing
-nodes in the cluster, necessary to perform the parallel SpMV multiplication\index{SpMV~multiplication}.
-Indeed, each hyperedge $e_j$ defines a set of atomic computations $b_i\leftarrow b_i+a_{ij}x_j$,
-$0\leq i,j<n$, of the SpMV multiplication $Ax=b$ that need the $j^{th}$ unknown value of
-solution vector $x$. Therefore, pins of hyperedge $e_j$, $pins[e_j]$, are the set of matrix
-rows sharing and requiring the same unknown value $x_j$. For example in Figure~\ref{ch12:fig:08},
-hyperedge $e_9$ whose pins are: $pins[e_9]=\{v_2,v_5,v_9\}$ represents the dependency of matrix
-rows $2$, $5$ and $9$ to unknown $x_9$ needed to perform in parallel the atomic operations:
-$b_2\leftarrow b_2+a_{29}x_9$, $b_5\leftarrow b_5+a_{59}x_9$ and $b_9\leftarrow b_9+a_{99}x_9$.
-However, unknown $x_9$ is the third entry of the sub-solution vector $x$ of part (or node) $3$.
-So the computing node $3$ must exchange this value with nodes $1$ and $2$, which leads to perform
-two communications.
-The hypergraph partitioning\index{Hypergraph} allows to reduce the total communication volume
-required to perform the parallel SpMV multiplication, while maintaining the load balancing between
-the computing nodes. In fact, it allows to minimize at best the following amount:
-where $\mathcal{E}_{C}$ denotes the set of the cut hyperedges coming from the hypergraph partitioning
-$\mathcal{P}$ and $c_j$ and $\lambda_j$ are, respectively, the cost and the connectivity of cut hyperedge
-$e_j$. Moreover, it also ensures the load balancing between the $K$ parts as follows:
- W_{k}\leq (1+\epsilon)W_{avg}, \hspace{0.2cm} (1\leq k\leq K) \hspace{0.2cm} \text{and} \hspace{0.2cm} (0<\epsilon<1),
-where $W_{k}$ is the sum of all vertex weights ($w_{i}$) in part $\mathcal{V}_{k}$, $W_{avg}$ is the
-average weight of all $K$ parts and $\epsilon$ is the maximum allowed imbalanced ratio.
-The hypergraph partitioning is a NP-complete problem but software tools using heuristics are developed,
-for example: hMETIS~\cite{ch12:ref12}, PaToH~\cite{ch12:ref13} and Zoltan~\cite{ch12:ref14}. Since our
-objective is solving large sparse linear systems, we use the parallel hypergraph partitioning which must
-be performed by at least two MPI processes. It allows to accelerate the data partitioning of large sparse
-matrices. For this, the hypergraph $\mathcal{H}$ must be partitioned in $p$ (number of MPI processes)
-sub-hypergraphs $\mathcal{H}_k=(\mathcal{V}_k,\mathcal{E}_k)$, $0\leq k<p$, and then we performed the
-parallel hypergraph partitioning method using some functions of the MPI library between the $p$ processes.
-Tables~\ref{ch12:tab:10} and~\ref{ch12:tab:11} shows the performances of the parallel CG and GMRES solvers,
-respectively, using the hypergraph partitioning for solving large linear systems associated to the sparse
-five-bands matrices presented in Table~\ref{ch12:tab:07}. For these experimental tests, we have applied the
-parallel hypergraph partitioning~\cite{ch12:ref15} developed in Zoltan tool~\cite{ch12:ref14}. We have initialized
-the parameters of the partitioning operation as follows:
-\item the weight $w_{i}$ of each vertex $v_{j}\in\mathcal{V}$ is set to the number of nonzero values on matrix row $i$,
-\item for the sake of simplicity, the cost $c_{j}$ of each hyperedge $e_{j}\in\mathcal{E}$ is fixed to $1$,
-\item the maximum imbalanced load ratio $\epsilon$ is limited to $10\%$.\\
-{\bf Matrix} & $\mathbf{Time_{cpu}}$ & $\mathbf{Time_{gpu}}$ & $\mathbf{\tau}$ & $\mathbf{Gains \%}$ \\ \hline \hline
-2cubes\_sphere & $5.935s$ & $1.213s$ & $4.89$ & $63.66\%$ \\
-ecology2 & $1.093s$ & $0.136s$ & $8.00$ & $89.55\%$ \\
-finan512 & $1.762s$ & $0.475s$ & $3.71$ & $63.43\%$ \\
-G3\_circuit & $2.095s$ & $0.558s$ & $3.76$ & $73.79\%$ \\
-shallow\_water2 & $0.498s$ & $0.068s$ & $7.31$ & $86.51\%$ \\
-thermal2 & $1.889s$ & $0.348s$ & $5.43$ & $79.59\%$ \\ \hline
-\caption{Performances of the parallel CG solver using hypergraph partitioning for solving linear systems associated to
-sparse five-bands matrices on a cluster of 24 CPU cores vs. on a cluster of 12 GPU.}
-{\bf Matrix} & $\mathbf{Time_{cpu}}$ & $\mathbf{Time_{gpu}}$ & $\mathbf{\tau}$ & $\mathbf{Gains \%}$ \\ \hline \hline
-2cubes\_sphere & $16.430s$ & $2.840s$ & $5.78$ & $60.83\%$ \\
-ecology2 & $3.152s$ & $0.367s$ & $8.59$ & $83.13\%$ \\
-finan512 & $3.672s$ & $0.723s$ & $5.08$ & $62.62\%$ \\
-G3\_circuit & $4.468s$ & $0.971s$ & $4.60$ & $65.46\%$ \\
-shallow\_water2 & $2.647s$ & $0.312s$ & $8.48$ & $79.73\%$ \\
-thermal2 & $4.190s$ & $0.666s$ & $6.29$ & $74.25\%$ \\ \hline \hline
-cage13 & $8.077s$ & $1.584s$ & $5.10$ & $50.91\%$ \\
-crashbasis & $35.173s$ & $5.546s$ & $6.34$ & $62.43\%$ \\
-FEM\_3D\_thermal2 & $24.825s$ & $3.113s$ & $7.97$ & $59.83\%$ \\
-language & $16.706s$ & $2.522s$ & $6.62$ & $73.99\%$ \\
-poli\_large & $12.715s$ & $3.989s$ & $3.19$ & $38.95\%$ \\
-torso3 & $48.459s$ & $6.234s$ & $7.77$ & $67.86\%$ \\ \hline
-\caption{Performances of the parallel GMRES solver using hypergraph partitioning for solving linear systems associated to
-sparse five-bands matrices on a cluster of 24 CPU cores vs. on a cluster of 12 GPU.}
-We can notice from both Tables~\ref{ch12:tab:10} and~\ref{ch12:tab:11} that the
-hypergraph partitioning has improved the performances of both parallel CG and GMRES
-algorithms. The execution times on the GPU cluster of both parallel solvers are
-significantly improved compared to those obtained by using the partitioning row-by-row.
-For these examples of sparse matrices, the execution times of CG and GMRES solvers
-are reduced about $76\%$ and $65\%$ respectively (see column~$5$ of each table)
-compared to those obtained in Tables~\ref{ch12:tab:08} and~\ref{ch12:tab:09}.
-In fact, the hypergraph partitioning\index{Hypergraph} applied to sparse matrices
-having large bandwidths allows to reduce the total communication volume necessary
-to synchronize the computations between the computing nodes in the GPU cluster.
-Table~\ref{ch12:tab:12} presents, for each sparse matrix, the total communication
-volume between $12$ GPU computing nodes obtained by using the partitioning row-by-row
-(column~$2$), the total communication volume obtained by using the hypergraph partitioning
-(column~$3$) and the execution times in minutes of the hypergraph partitioning
-operation performed by $12$ MPI processes (column~$4$). The total communication
-volume defines the total number of the vector elements exchanged by the computing
-nodes. Then, Table~\ref{ch12:tab:12} shows that the hypergraph partitioning method
-can split the sparse matrix so as to minimize the data dependencies between the
-computing nodes and thus to reduce the total communication volume.
-\multirow{4}{*}{\bf Matrix} & {\bf Total comms.} & {\bf Total comms.} & {\bf Execution} \\
- & {\bf volume without} & {\bf volume with} & {\bf trime} \\
- & {\bf hypergraph} & {\bf hypergraph } & {\bf of the parti.} \\
- & {\bf parti.} & {\bf parti.} & {\bf in minutes}\\ \hline \hline
-2cubes\_sphere & $25,360,543$ & $240,679$ & $68.98$ \\
-ecology2 & $26,044,002$ & $73,021$ & $4.92$ \\
-finan512 & $26,087,431$ & $900,729$ & $33.72$ \\
-G3\_circuit & $31,912,003$ & $5,366,774$ & $11.63$ \\
-shallow\_water2 & $25,105,108$ & $60,899$ & $5.06$ \\
-thermal2 & $30,012,846$ & $1,077,921$ & $17.88$ \\ \hline \hline
-cage13 & $28,254,282$ & $3,845,440$ & $196.45$ \\
-crashbasis & $29,020,060$ & $2,401,876$ & $33.39$ \\
-FEM\_3D\_thermal2 & $25,263,767$ & $250,105$ & $49.89$ \\
-language & $27,291,486$ & $1,537,835$ & $9.07$ \\
-poli\_large & $25,053,554$ & $7,388,883$ & $5.92$ \\
-torso3 & $25,682,514$ & $613,250$ & $61.51$ \\ \hline
-\caption{The total communication volume between 12 GPU computing nodes without and with the hypergraph partitioning method.}
-Nevertheless, as we can see from the fourth column of Table~\ref{ch12:tab:12},
-the hypergraph partitioning takes longer compared to the execution times of the
-resolutions. As previously mentioned, the hypergraph partitioning method is less
-efficient in terms of memory consumption and partitioning time than its graph
-counterpart, but the hypergraph well models the nonsymmetric and irregular problems.
-So for the applications which often use the same sparse matrices, we can perform
-the hypergraph partitioning on these matrices only once for each and then, we save
-the traces of these partitionings in files to be reused several times. Therefore,
-this allows to avoid the partitioning of the sparse matrices at each resolution
-of the linear systems.
- \mbox{\subfigure[Sparse band matrices]{\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{Chapters/chapter12/figures/scale_band}\label{ch12:fig:09.01}}}
- \mbox{\subfigure[Sparse five-bands matrices]{\includegraphics[scale=0.7]{Chapters/chapter12/figures/scale_5band}\label{ch12:fig:09.02}}}
-\caption{Weak-scaling of the parallel CG and GMRES solvers on a GPU cluster for solving large sparse linear systems.}
-However, the most important performance parameter is the scalability of the parallel
-CG\index{Iterative~method!CG} and GMRES\index{Iterative~method!GMRES} solvers on a GPU
-cluster. Particularly, we have taken into account the weak-scaling of both parallel
-algorithms on a cluster of one to 12 GPU computing nodes. We have performed a set of
-experiments on both matrix structures: band matrices and five-bands matrices. The sparse
-matrices of tests are generated from the symmetric sparse matrix {\it thermal2} chosen
-from the Davis's collection. Figures~\ref{ch12:fig:09.01} and~\ref{ch12:fig:09.02}
-show the execution times of both parallel methods for solving large linear systems
-associated to band matrices and those associated to five-bands matrices, respectively.
-The size of a sparse sub-matrix per computing node, for each matrix structure, is fixed
-as follows:
-\item band matrix: $15$ million of rows and $105,166,557$ of nonzero values,
-\item five-bands matrix: $5$ million of rows and $78,714,492$ of nonzero values.
-We can see from these figures that both parallel solvers are quite scalable on a GPU
-cluster. Indeed, the execution times remains almost constant while the size of the
-sparse linear systems to be solved increases proportionally with the number of the
-GPU computing nodes. This means that the communication cost is relatively constant
-regardless of the number the computing nodes in the GPU cluster.
-%% SECTION 6 %%