-Compared to the parallel tree exploration-based GPU-accelerated B\&B approach, the parallel evaluation of bounds approach is by far much more efficient wherever the instance is. For example, while the GPU-PEB-BB approach reaches speedup of $\times$71.69 for the instance with 200 jobs on 20 machines, a speedup of a $\times$13.4 is measured with the parallel tree exploration-based approach which corresponds to an acceleration of $\times$5.56 . Moreover, on the contrary to the GPU-PEB-BB approach, in the GPU-PTE-BB the speedups decrease when the problem instance becomes higher. Remember here that while in the GPU-PEB-BB approach all threads evaluate only one node each whatever the permutation size is. In the GPU-PTE-BB, each thread branches all the children of its assigned parent node. Therefore, the bigger the size of the permutation is, the bigger the amount of work performed by each thread is and the bigger the difference between the workload is. Indeed, let us suppose that for the instance with $200$ jobs, the thread $0$ handles a node from the level $2$ of the tree and the thread $100$ handles a node from the level $170$ of the tree. In this case, the thread $0$ generates and evaluates $198$ nodes while the thread $100$ decomposes and bounds only $30$ nodes. The problem in this example is that the kernel execution would last until the thread $0$ finishes its work while the other threads might have ended their works and stayed idle.
+As far as the pool size tuning is considered, we could notice that this parameter depends strongly on the problem instance being solved. Indeed, while the best acceleration is obtained with a pool size of 8192 subproblems for the instances 50 $\times$ 20 and 20 $\times$ 20 (Table\~ref{ch8:ParaGPU2} in bold), the best speedups are obtained with a pool size of 262144 subproblems with the instances 200 $\times$ 20 and 100 $\times$ 20 (Table\~ref{ch8:ParaGPU2} in bold).\\
+Compared to the parallel tree exploration-based GPU-accelerated B\&B approach, the parallel evaluation of bounds approach is by far much more efficient wherever the instance is. For example, while the GPU-PEB-BB approach reaches speedup of $\times$71.69 for the instance with 200 jobs on 20 machines, a speedup of a $\times$13.4 is measured with the parallel tree exploration-based approach which corresponds to an acceleration of $\times$5.56. Moreover, to the contrary of the GPU-PEB-BB approach, in the GPU-PTE-BB the speedups decrease when the problem instance becomes higher. Remember here that while in the GPU-PEB-BB approach all threads evaluate only one node each whatever the permutation size is. In the GPU-PTE-BB, each thread branches all the children of its assigned parent node. Therefore, the bigger the size of the permutation, the bigger the amount of work performed by each thread is and the bigger the difference between the workload. Indeed, let us suppose that for the instance with $200$ jobs, the thread $0$ handles a node from the level $2$ of the tree and the thread $100$ handles a node from the level $170$ of the tree. In this case, the thread $0$ generates and evaluates $198$ nodes while the thread $100$ decomposes and bounds only $30$ nodes. The problem in this example is that the kernel execution would last until the thread $0$ finishes its work while the other threads might have completed their work and remains idle.