-When in addition to the pairs $(x_i, y_i)$ the slopes of the function are available, i.e., the data comes in triples $(x_i, y_i, p_i)$, the interpolation problem is called Hermite, and the Hermite splines are used. However, even when the sequence $y_i$ is increasing and the slopes $p_i$ are non-negative, cubic Hermite splines may still fail to be monotone, as illustrated in Figure \ref{ch11:fig2}. Thus monotone Hermite splines are needed \cite{Gregory1982}. \index{Hermite spline}
+When in addition to the pairs $(x_i, y_i)$ the slopes of the function are available, i.e., the data comes in triples $(x_i, y_i, p_i)$, the interpolation problem is called Hermite, and the Hermite splines are used. However, even when the sequence $y_i$ is increasing and the slopes $p_i$ are non-negative, cubic Hermite splines may still fail to be monotone, as illustrated in Figure \ref{ch11:fig2}. Thus monotone Hermite splines are needed \cite{Gregory1982}. \index{Hermite splines}