-Massively parallel processors, such as graphical processing units (GPUs), have in recent years proven to be effective for a vast amount of scientific applications. Today, most desktop computers are equipped with one or more powerful GPUs, offering heterogeneous high-performance computing to a broad range of scientific researchers and software developers. Though GPUs are now programmable and can be highly effective computing units, they still pose challenges for software developers to fully utilize their efficiency. Sequential legacy codes are not always easily parallelized, and the time spent on conversion might not pay off in the end. This is particular true for heterogenous computers, where the architectural differences between the main and coprocessor can be so significant that they require completely different optimization strategies. The cache hierarchy management of CPUs and GPUs are an evident example hereof. In the past, industrial companies were able to boost application performance solely by upgrading their hardware systems, with an overt balance between investment and performance speedup. Today, the picture is different; not only do they have to invest in new hardware, but they also must account for the adaption and training of their software developers. What traditionally used to be a hardware problem, addressed by the chip manufacturers, has now become a software problem for application developers.
+Massively parallel processors, such as graphical processing units (GPUs), have in recent years proven to be effective for a vast amount of scientific applications. Today, most desktop computers are equipped with one or more powerful GPUs, offering heterogeneous high-performance computing to a broad range of scientific researchers and software developers. Though GPUs are now programmable and can be highly effective computing units, they still pose challenges for software developers to fully utilize their efficiency. Sequential legacy codes are not always easily parallelized, and the time spent on conversion might not pay off in the end. This is particular true for heterogeneous computers, where the architectural differences between the main and coprocessor can be so significant that they require completely different optimization strategies. The cache hierarchy management of CPUs and GPUs are an evident example hereof. In the past, industrial companies were able to boost application performance solely by upgrading their hardware systems, with an overt balance between investment and performance speedup. Today, the picture is different; not only do they have to invest in new hardware, but they also must account for the adaption and training of their software developers. What traditionally used to be a hardware problem, addressed by the chip manufacturers, has now become a software problem for application developers.